Doler (o-ue) The verb “doler” means “to hurt.” It is a stem-changing verb and works similar to Gustar. Me duele(n) - _____ hurts me Te duele(n) - _____ hurts you Le duele(n) - _____ hurts him/her/you (formal) Nos duele(n) - _____ hurts us Les duele(n) - ______ hurts them/you all
Examples: Singular: Me duele la cabeza. Te duele la rodilla. A Juan le duele el tobillo. Plural: Me duelen los ojos. Nos duelen los estómagos. A ellos les duelen las orejas.
Acabar de acabo acabamos acabas acaba acaban Acabar de means to have just done something. acabo acabamos acabas acaba acaban
Examples: Yo acabo de tomar el sol. Tú acabas de terminar la tarea. Nosotros acabamos de comer.
Future Tense of Regular Verbs The future tense tells what will happen. We can use the “simple future” (ir + a + infinitive) Ex: Yo voy a estudiar mañana. I am going to study tomorrow. We can also use the future tense. Ex: Yo estudiaré mañana. I will study tomorrow.
The future tense is easy to conjugate! Step 1: LEAVE THE INFINITIVE AS IT IS – do not chop off your ar/er/ir ending Step 2: Add on your endings. These are the same for ar, er, and ir verbs. é emos ás á án
Conjugate Hablar in the Future hablaremos hablarás hablará hablarán
Escribiremos Write five things you will do today, tonight, tomorrow, etc. Then write five things a friend or family member will do. Next, write five things you will both do.