Country profiles 2nd Eionet NRC workshop on Industrial Pollution
Country Profiles
Country profiles on industrial pollution Aim to highlight environmental pressures of industry across media, its significance, trends and origins Work in Progress… So... Please think of improvements for future “Country Profiles”.. What questions should these profiles try to answer? What data is available to answer these questions? What needs to be done with the data for it to be useful?
Data Sources Data sources used: Eurostat (NACE codes) – waste generation, GVA, energy consumption, water consumption CLRTAP (NFR codes) – emissions to air E-PRTR (E-PRTR codes) – industry releases to air and water IEA and World Bank for gap filling energy consumption and GVA data
Air (CLRTAP and E-PRTR) Water (E-PRTR) Waste (Eurostat) Scope: Media Air (CLRTAP and E-PRTR) Water (E-PRTR) Waste (Eurostat) Soil – to be included in the future Industry GVA included
Simple definition is not easy: Scope: What is Industry! Simple definition is not easy: EUROSTAT: NACE divisions: B, C, D, E B MINING AND QUARRYING C MANUFACTURING D ELECTRICITY, GAS, STEAM AND AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY E WATER & WASTE MANAGEMENT CLRTAP NFR14 categories: Stationary Energy (1A1, 1A2 (except 1A2gvii), 1A3e, 1A4ai, 1A4bi 1A4ci, 1A5a) Fugitives (1B), Industrial Processes (2 (except 2A5b, 2D3a), Waste (5) E-PRTR sectors: all except Wastewater treatment (5f) Livestock and aquaculture (7a, 7b)
Data gap-filling Industry energy consumption (Switzerland and Iceland - IEA) Industry GVA (Croatia, Cyprus, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Malta, Turkey – World Bank) Industry GVA – gaps in almost all countries for some NACE sectors Industry water consumption – gaps in almost all countries, trend of water abstraction used as proxy Poland E-PRTR plant corrected
Profiles - overview Significance of industry – gross value added, energy consumption, water consumption Industrial releases to air – significance & trends Industrial releases to water – significance & trends Industrial waste generation – significance & trends
Significance of industry
Significance of industry
Industrial air emissions as % of total country pollution, by sector
Industrial air pollution vs economy
Industrial non-hazardous waste
98 responses from 17 countries & DG ENV Summary of outcomes: Eionet Consultation 98 responses from 17 countries & DG ENV Summary of outcomes: Expanded the introduction and explanation of industry and data sources Concerns on the quality of the E-PRTR data and reliability of trends E-PRTR water data error fixed (some sectors missing) Mapping issue fixed (some NFR sectors wrongly excluded)
Improvements Many Eionet consultation comments on the robustness of the data used. Questions: Many gaps or errors prevent accurate EU wide picture.. How can we gap fill? Problems with categorisation (mapping) between datasets (NACE, E-PRTR, CLRTAP) that would allow better analysis. How can we link datasets better? Extending analysis “…importance of industrial emissions with respect to ambient concentrations and ambient air quality standards…” Should we extend analysis to link to “State” and “Impacts”? E-PRTR dataset has potential to be a valuable input to the public and private decision makers. However, it has transparency, completeness and accuracy issues and poor timeseries consistency.. How can we improve it?
E-PRTR: Why bother?
Thank you for your attention Justin Goodwin