CPO – Certified Pre-Owned What is it? It first started as a way for Dealers to sell more Pre-Owned Vehicles. The Manufacturers were not going to let the profits get away from them so they took control of the program and made it CERTIFED. Essentially: CPO vehicles are of higher than average quality cosmetically. They may have a clean Car Fax history, may have maintenance records, have passed a vigorous inspection, had any found problems repair prior to being offered for sale and include a Warranty(ESC that the dealer buys and includes in the sale). The Warranty can be of any duration and any level of coverage. A Dealer sponsored CPO program may differ from a manufacturer program in that the Dealer is in control. A Dealer may have his own CPO program and the Manufacturer CPO program at the same time. An Independent Dealer may have and advertise his own CPO program. Because of the very nature of a CPO vehicle they sell quicker and for more money. The public has been trained to expect a higher level of quality from a CPO Dealer and Vehicle.
What is a Red Shield Warranted CPO Vehicle? A vehicle that stands out cosmetically from like vehicles has been inspected and defects repaired, comes with a dealer or factory sponsored Warranty. Why make a vehicle a CPO Vehicle? The Public perceives additional value in CPO vehicles. Why? There are cleaner in better cosmetic condition, been inspected and defects repaired and come with a warranty. CPO Vehicles sell faster than non CPO average 45 days compared to 60-90 days. CPO Vehicles Command a higher price that non CPO vehicles. Fleet’s CPO is a true WIN WIN Program FWG’s 38 mpoint inspection, Safety, Mechanical, Electrical and defects repaired prior to sale. Red Shield’s Essentials program offers the dealer: Three Terms and Three Levels of coverage to choose from. Dealer Includes it, does not sell it (this makes it a warranty not a VSC). Minimum of 50% of Dealer’s inventory on the program per month. Warranty can be up sold to Guard Program.
Certified Pre - Owned Vehicle Program WHY? Get Higher Sales Prices!! How? Public's perception of value... The majors spent millions telling them they need to buy certified used cars.. They are better, have been inspected, had to pass rigid guidelines and they come with a WARRANTY.... You can't beat perceived value.. Our program is complete with: 38Point Inspection Report Essentials Warranty Then Up-sell All the way to Guard Exclusionary VSC for to make a little extra profit. Branding: Warranty specific Buyer's Guide, window stickers & custom license plates available at a small cost. There is no extra cost or start up fees, no administration fees. Signage is available: pole signs, flag signs, banners at dealer cost Ask a Red Shield Agent HOW?
Windshield Sticker
Certified Pre-Owned Program Base Warranty: Choice of any Essentials VSC Dealer Chooses Term 3,6 or 9 months Warranty and Coverage from: Power Train, Power Train Plus or Power Train Enhanced. Vehicle Inspection 38 Point Asian, Domestic and European Vehicles less than 15 years old with up to 100,000 miles TOS qualify. Upgraded coverage available for vehicles up to 48 Additional months and up to 100,000 miles.