DOMESTIC WORKERS Pre-registration campaign: System development Form design Publicity campaign training
DOMESTIC WORKERS Registration campaign: Publicity campaign Actual registration
CONSTRAINTS Complicated registration forms Call centre Staff shortages Telephone line challenges Overtime Delay in issuing reference numbers
CONSTRAINTS Bad publicity Influx of applications Multiple registrations Delayed reference numbers Capacity challenges on online registrations
SUCCESSES Fax on demand Voluntary unpaid overtime 555329 registrations as at 29 July 2003 505596 domestic workers on database Online registrations Call centre registrations Multiple payment options
MATERNITY BENEFITS 100% benefit Affordability Actuarial input Building of reserves Nedlac agreement Full evaluation Impact on reserves
Section 1 The Amendment aims to delete the definitions of “CCMA” in order to comply with changes in Section 37 , where the UIF and the Regional Appeals Committees will take over the adjudication of appeals. The CCMA will no longer have jurisdiction over UIF appeals
Section 1 cont. The Amendment aims to delete the definitions of “Seasonal Worker” in order to eliminate the unintended of exclusions contained in the current definition. The amendment aims to bring back into coverage those workers who are currently excluded because they worked for an aggregate period of less than 3 months
Section 3.1(b) The current legislation excludes from coverage all workers/employees who receive renumeration under a learnership agreemnt. The amendment aims to exclude from coverage only those employees who enter learnerships in terms of Section 18(2) of the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998.
Section 3.1(c) The interpretation of provisions of Section 3 on the exclusion of the public service employers and employees is too broad and and subject to many interpretation. The amendment seeks to exclude only those those officer or employees as defined under Secton 1(1) of the Public Service Act,1994.
Section 3.1(e) Current provisions compels all employees including those in receipt of monthly state social pension to contribute to the fund, but Section 14.1(a) explicitly excludes those employees in receipt of state social pension from accessing benefits. The amendmennt is aimed at eliminating this contradiction by excluding those employees in receipt of monthly state social pension from contributing
Section 11 This amemdment is aimed at correcting a mistake in which the Minister, instead of the was expected in terms to the law to prepare a business plan. This amendment streamlines the provisions of this law with those of the PFMA
Section 12 The present legislation does not take into account the situation of multiple employement relationships and as a result fails to cater for those workers work for multiple employers and who in the process of their employment lose one or more jobs. The amendment addresses the above situation by insertion a new provision that recognises above situaton and brings in a concept of “partial unemployment” for those workers with multiple employers in Section 12(5) and 12(6)
Section 16(iv) This amendment is intended to bring in a provision that recognises that in the case of domestic workers, unemployment may arise as a result of the death of the employer of that domestic worker.
Sections 21,24 and 27 The current provisions in Sections 21,24 and 27 provides for two benefit regimes which were not intended. The amendment is aimed at streamlining the benefits to allow claims officers to top-up benefits for those employees who continue to receive income from their employers whilst unemployed as result of maternity, ill-health or are required by law to take adoption leave.
Section 37 This amendment is brought in to replace the jurisdiction of the CCMA over UIF matters and to allow the UIF Board to appoint Regional Appeals Committes to adjudicate all complaints arising out of the the decision of the claims officer/s.