Erasmus Plus “Paths of innovation through Europe” Survey results Pupils, parents and teachers Project co-funded by EU The European Union is not responsible for any uploaded or submitted content. Such content expresses the views of its author(s) only.
Summary The survey has been conducted at the beginning of Project, during the mobilities and at the end of Project to compare results. The aim of this survey has been to monitor the cycle life of the project and use data for evaluating the impact of Erasmus plus project on different actors. First part shows results of survey conducted among parents , pupils and teachers before the project. Second part shows survey’results after pupils exchanges and transnational meetings of teachers. Third part shows results survey result s at the end of the project.
1 st section Project overview – parents –pupils -teachers
Survey involed 220 parents from different partner countries.
Project overview - Pupils Survey involved 309 pupils from different partner countries A continent Another region A project for Europe A project for peace A country where there is many states is continent, one of the most developed, one of the biggest, it has long history, 44 countries, interesting culture… It’s a continent where: some (different) countries are together, they cooperate, they work in projects together, they trade each other, there is Poland.
Pupils’ view I want to go abroad Because I want: to learn languages, meet friends, make friends, know new countries, culture, open for the world, know history of other countries, rest, develop in science, try food, know how students learn in different schools, sight seeing, they are beautiful, I have never been abroad. I like travel. Because it's beautiful/ interesting I don’t want to go abroad They don’t want visting other countries because “No, Because I will be bored” “No Because travel make me sick” No because I’m afraid of flying, I’m not interested. “Maybe I don't like” “Maybe I'm not sure” “Maybe, because it's a good project, but I don't want to go in other house” -I've never been to a foreign country. -I do not want to go away from my family.....................................
Project overview - teachers survey involved 57 teachers
2 nd Section - Pupils’ mobility
1° question for pupils Is this your first trip abroad?
2° question for pupils Have you ever taken a plane before?
3° question for pupils What did ypu like most?
4° Question for pupils What was the most difficult thing?
5° Question for pupils For wich reason is this experience important?
6° question for pupils Do you think that pupils from other countries liked meeting you?
7° QUESTION FOR PUPILS How was the experience?
8° question for pupils If you have another opportunity would you make again this experience?
“Paths of innovation through Europe” Survey results transnational meetings
Results of transnational meetings staff summary First section shows results in general; second section analyzes results of each meeting. Meetings 6 Questionnaires distributed 70 Questionnaires filled: 39 Some teachers attended all meetings, some teachers only one.
Results of transnational meeting The visit at natural beauties
Relationship among participants
The balance between work programme and social/ cultural activities
Staying in hotel
Opportunities to increase my knowledge about countries inolved
School staff
Opportunity to improve my languages skills
Opportunity to know more about school system of host country
Time for planning activities
Did the event met your expectations?
The most memorable moments during the meetings Partners, good atmosphere, warm welcoming of host school and activities done by pupils ijn every class Hospitality,friendly hosts and participants Hospitality and friendlliness Gostoprimljivost i angaziranost domaćina Our welcome to the school - dancers The trip to Cappadocia The tea and coffee ceremony Welcoming at school and tour in Cappadocia. Welcome ceremony Loro parque The most memorable place was “Loro park” boat trip was amazing! Every single day in Tenerife was memorable, interesting and exciting! The visit to Clearwell caves. I liked the school best. It was important to observe the teaching work of the school staff. Their professional attitude and hard work was noticeable. The students in the school were so well behaved. And I liked the methods of classroom management. Partners and the English school People temperature The range of operating rules and mutual respect reflections.
Follow…… First day at school Salona Visiting Diocletian Palace; sunrises and sunsets from the hotel window The visit to the villa of the Emperor Diocletian and the view of the city of Split from the Marjan Park. The work and the paintings on display in the School. Salone ancient city tour Welcoming and teachers of San Vito and Villapuzzo, very friendly and loving people Orienteering activity kind and friendly hosts All the friendly people and excellent preparation and organisation of the host school. I liked also engagement of parents and host families. The Gala: the video, all the organization, to see pupils from different countries dance together. Farewell dinner Going to the gala night Welcome ceremony and Orienterring activity COLLABORATION AND SHARING IDEAS AND EXPERIENCES
3rd section Final survey teachers
Final survey at the end of project teachers’ results
What were the advantages for you for having been involved in the project? COMPARISON MEETING NEW PEOPLE TO KNOW NEW COUNTRIES EXCHANGES
Cross curricular approach evaluation
Cross curricular approach evaluation
What have you learned from your partners? Similarities the number of students in the class, staying in school daily Differences volume of school curriculum practical work, teaching assistants, schedule holidays for children, duration of school year.
Personal development and impact of the project on teaching Have you….
Thank you for the attention