Progress in Achieving Triple Aim of Health Equity Anne Barry Assistant Commissioner, Community and Partner Relations Minnesota Department of Human Services
This is not new…
This is not new…
What happened? We worked with community to build report in 1997. Governor Arne Carlson provided $2 million in grants to build community capacity. Legislature adopted recommendation. Community wasn’t involved in developing the proposal so they didn’t own it or support it.
What we learned? If we want change — community needs to be involved in the problem deconstruction and in developing solutions to problems. Community lacks trust of government. Power and privilege get in the way of building relationships with community. We don’t understand the history of trauma in communities experiencing disparities.
What (and how) are we doing now? DHS administered survey to equity-focused community members and agency-wide leaders. Revealed contrast between internal and community perspective. Building an agency-wide equity policy that emphasizes engagement of people impacted by our actions.
DHS Skill in Building Trust and Relationships with C&E Communities
Extent to which DHS is willing to adapt to respond to the needs and ideas of C&E communities.
Incorporating C&E community feedback into planning and decision-making.
Community and Partner Relations Administration Created in July 2015 to actively demonstrate our commitment to the people we serve, our employees and our partners to advance an organizational culture that values and demonstrates equity, engagement, accountability for results, transparency, and diversity and inclusion. Laser focus on who we serve, our county and tribal partners.
Community and Partner Relations Administration Promoting the creation and support of a culture of equity and meaningful engagement. Changing the way we relate with the communities we serve. Focusing on equity and authentic engagement.
Community and Partner Relations Administration goals Goal 1: Equity Goal 2: Engagement Goal 3: Accountability for results Goal 4: Transparency Goal 5: Diversity and inclusion
Community and Partner Relations Administration structure Office of Community Relations Office of County Relations Office of Equity, Performance and Development Office of Indian Policy
Moving towards meaningful engagement Both community and agency leaders recognize that community engagement must be a priority and the importance of identifying and engaging the right community individuals. Cultural and Ethnic Communities Leadership Council (CECLC) Bush Foundation Community Innovation
Attacking structures by creating new structures We are not the “experts” We have to give up power We are attacking three important structural areas: Hiring and retention How money flows out of DHS Legislative, policy, rule decisions
What’s happening statewide and at DHS Governmental Alliance on Racial Equity Governor’s Diversity and Inclusion Council Subcommittees on Community Engagement, Boards/Commissions, State Government Infrastructure, and Inter-agency activities Training in Equity Lens in Policy Analysis American Indian Dashboard Equity Initiative
American Indian Dashboard
Questions? Anne Barry Assistant Commissioner Partner and Community Relations 651-431-3212