Extra! Extra! Tell Us All About It! CURRENT EVENTS Extra! Extra! Tell Us All About It! Big News is Happening All Around Us. We are relying on you to share it with us! Name:_______________________________ Date:______________ Period: __________ What is the headline of your article? __________________________________________________________________________ Source: ______________________________ Is this article controversial? Yes_____ No_____ (An article is controversial when opposing opinions are explicitly stated within the article.) Do you believe that bias is written into this article? Yes_____ No_____ (Does the author insert their opinion into the article and does the author present both points of view on the topic?) If you answered YES to previous question, why do you believe the article is biased? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Some articles are intended to be opinionated, and they are called “editorials.” Is your article an “editorial”? YES____ NO____ How do you know? Weekly Process Monday: Announce the three News Leaders and watch CNN Student news as a class. Tuesday: News Leaders each will find an article to bring to the class. Email me the article link: Summersk@Issaquah.wednet.edu Wednesday: I will post links to the articles on my website calendar. Thursday: We will all read the articles. News Leaders will each prepare their write up (this sheet) for Friday’s class. Friday: News Leaders lead class discussion- 5 minutes per article for a total of 15 minutes.
Say What??? Summary: Write a brief summary of your article. Use proper sentence structure, spelling, grammar and punctuation. Discussion Questions: Write two discussion questions for Friday. Use what you know about Shared Inquiry to develop good questions. 1) 2) What questions do you have? Is there anything confusing about your news article? If so, be sure to get clarification from a parent or a teacher before Friday. HISTORICAL CONNECTION: How does your chosen current event article correlate to our studies in social studies? Is the connection cultural, religious, economic, geographical, political, social, or something else? It can have more than one connection. Fully explain all similarities you can identify below.