The Comeback Toy 1st Quarter Project
GOAL #1: Using the instructions provided, build a come-back toy that will roll a minimum of four meters and return to its starting point.
The Comeback Toy does NOT have to be made from a coffee can.
4 meters
4 meters 4 Meters ~ 13.12 Feet
Designing your toy You will have a week in class to build, run trials, and redesign your toy. By the end of the week you will demonstrate your toy for the Final Test for a grade
Demonstrating Your Toy in the final test Five attempts to demonstrate your toy. Attempts 1- 3 are FREE. Attempt 4 costs 5% of grade 10 points Attempt 5 costs 10% of grade 20 points
Deductions You will receive deductions on your project for the following Not bring supplies in by September 29th (-20 points per day late) Receiving assistance before or between attempts (-20 points per occurrence) Changing the design of the can after final testing has started (-20 points per occurrence).
IMPORTANT NOTICE! If, on the scheduled day the project is due, a student is absent due to a field trip, in-school performance, out of school trip, etc. then the student must demonstrate the toy for a final grade the day before. If a student is on a pre-planned absence the day the project is due then the toy must be demonstrated the last day the student is in school before the absence begins.
Goal #2: Students will complete an in-class journal of the engineering design process while completing the project.
Journal Minimum of 4 practice trials with teacher’s signature and journal entry Sketch of final design Sequence of energy conversions (flow chart)
Practice trials Must be witnessed by teacher and initialed on your paper before your next trial Journal of each trial will include the following: What worked? What didn’t work? What are you going to change?
Sketch of final design Must include the following: Include both an internal and external sketch of the toy Measure and label the length, width, and height of the toy in centimeters Label all the parts of the can in the sketch (can, bolt, nuts, rubber band, toothpick, twist tie)
Kinetic Heat There is friction between the ball and the surface. Sound The ball emits sound as it moves. Potential Gravitational The ball starts at the top of the hill. Kinetic Mechanical The ball begins rolling down the first hill. Potential Gravitational The ball gains gravitational energy as it rolls up the smaller hill. Kinetic Mechanical The ball begins rolling down the second hill. Kinetic Heat There is friction between the ball and the surface. Kinetic Sound The ball emits sound as it moves.
Extra credit options You may earn up to 10% extra credit. Bringing in all the unassembled supplies needed to complete the toy (can, bolt, nuts, rubber band, toothpick, twist tie) a week early. (+5%) Locating a recent scientific article (no more than 5 years old) and complete Science in the News write up. The article may be about any of the following: science of toys or a toy, atomic structure, isotopes, periodic table or elements. (+5%)
Project Schedule Early Parts turn in for 5% bonus September 26, 27, 28 Science Article and write up for 5% bonus October 6th All supplies needed for the project due and building starts September 29th Final trial due by October 6th by 3 PM