How can you be the best ‘you’ How can you be the best ‘you’? ‘Do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind’ Paul, in his letter to the church in Rome (Romans 12:2) Then some very good and practical advice in verses 3-8 we have just heard read...
Be honest with yourself and about yourself Don’t be pompous Be honest with yourself and about yourself Your gifts and abilities Not pretending you are good at something you are not good at But no false modesty Human nature alone is not sufficient We are naturally self-seeking and self-centred We work to represent people like ourselves Personality and character...
Mature = build on personality strengths, manage around limitations Mature = humble about character strengths, working on gaps Increased change Character Skills/ knowledge Personality Talent Mature = build on personality strengths, manage around limitations
We also need each other We are not independent All members of one body Without pooling our gifts and abilities we will be defective All members of one body Different gifts Acknowledge they come from God, and it puts a different complexion on things We don’t own anything – even our own bodies, money, abilities They are there as a gift from God to be used or the good of all Together, IF we believe and practise our faith, we make up Christ in the world...
Relating to others (verses 9-21) Sincerity/authenticity Honour one another Spiritual fervour ‘Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer’ Dealing with disagreements ‘Bless and do not curse’ No mud-slinging At peace as far as it depends on you Bitterness and resentment – who does it hurt?
God will give the opportunity for those who are wrong to realise their faults and change it might be you, or me... Paul continues: The earthly authorities are established by God God will deal with ungodly rulers It’s not your call if you have done your best So pay taxes, and give honour