Bushmeat in Eastern Africa and Training Initiatives by the College of African Wildlife Management (CAWM) Mr. Freddy Manongi Deputy Principal and Director of Studies CAWM, Tanzania
Background Illegal trade most significant conservation issue Capacity (knowledge, skills and attitudes) to combat is inadequate in EA Network and coordination is inadequate Development and delivery of relevant curricula was necessary BCTF, CAWM, SAWC and Garoua organized bushmeat training development workshop in May 2002 USAID funded the workshop Representatives from Burundi, Rwanda, DR Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Malawi, Cameroon, South Africa and US
Key Local Community and Community-Based Organisations Issues Poverty (income and food) Inadequate alternatives Cultures, norms, beliefs and traditions Poor harvest methods Communicable diseases Direct and opportunity costs of wildlife
Key Resource Managers’ Issues Impact of bushmeat on wildlife population Inadequate communication skills Lack of bushmeat data collection skills Inadequate data on the extent of the problem Conflicts between managers and local people Lack of coordination Inadequate legal and policy solutions Lack of working tools and equipment Reducing impact of wildlife on local people
Law enforcement agencies Inadequate working tools and equipment Inadequate investigation and enforcement skills Corruption Inadequate legal solutions Insecurity in the region Inadequate collaboration and sharing of information
Key Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes Local people leaders Resource Managers Enforcement Officers Wildlife Conservation Principles and Values Environmental Economics Sustainable Use Techniques Alternative Resources Entrepreneurial and Business Skills Wildlife Diseases Ecotourism initiatives Community-based conservation Communication Skills Monitoring illegal trade and data collection skill Participatory planning Conflict resolution skills The impact of bushmeat trade Transfrontier resources management Ecotourism Meat identification techniques Investigation skills Wildlife law enforcement skills Principles of sustainable resource use Transboundary law enforcement Data collection and storage skills
Conclusions Collaboration on bushmeat training between regional wildlife Colleges was initiated Key bushmeat issues were documented Required bushmeat management knowledge, skills and attitudes were identified Workshop information shall be linked to the bushmeat MENTOR program