Taking Action for the World’s Poor and Hungry People 15/05/2018 Taking Action for the World’s Poor and Hungry People The promise and potential of African agriculture to fight hunger and poverty Prof. Dr Ir Rudy Rabbinge Chair Science Council CGIAR G.5. Plenary Keynote Addresses October 19th 2007, Beijing
Food availability per caput 15/05/2018 Asia S America SS Africa Index Year Source: FAOstat
Achievements in Agriculture 15/05/2018 Achievements in Agriculture Food production per person increased by 30% over past 5 decades, despite doubling of population Discontinuous productivity rise Major role for technology Fertilizers Variety improvement (rice, wheat, maize) Mechanization Irrigation Biocides Proper institutions in place
SS Africa lags behind Population: 600 M Birth rate: 2.7% Malnourished: 180 M Increase labor productivity (1960-2000) World 160% Sub Saharan Africa 121% Europe (15) 634% GDP: $ 474 Growth 1988-2000: –0.6%
Diagnosis Absence of dominating food crops Weathered soils Erratic rainfall Endemic plant and animal diseases Multitude of farming systems
Diagnosis (cont.) Land / Labor productivity low Dominant role for women – limited access to resources Lack of investment in agricultural research Lack of knowledge infrastructure Brain drain
Diagnosis (cont.) Lack of functioning academic institutions Not functioning local and regional markets Land entitlement inappropriate No stimulating political and economic environment Inadequate capacity to impact global policy formulation Lack of good governance
Hunger Hotspots & Farming Systems Irrigated system Maize mixed system Tree crop based system Cereal root crop mixed system Hunger Hotspot (CIESIN)
Strategic recommendations – four domains Technology options that can make a difference (11) Pursue a strategy of integrated sustainable intensification Reduce land degradation and replenish soil fertility
Recognizing the potential of rain-fed agriculture
Actual maize yield (t ha Mechanization Land productivity Labor productivity increase from 1960-2000 (%) World 160 SubSaharan Africa 121 East&Souteast 203 South Asia 165 Latin Amer.& Car. 246 North America 360 Europe (15) 634 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year Actual maize yield (t ha -1 ) Africa South of Sahara East & South East Asia South Asia Latin Amer & Caribbean North America Developed European Union 15
Strategic recommendations – four domains Technology options that can make a difference (11) Pursue a strategy of integrated sustainable intensification Reduce land degradation and replenish soil fertility Building impact-oriented research, knowledge and development institutions (5) Creating and retaining a new generation of agricultural scientists (5) Markets and policies to make the poor prosperous and food secure (5)
Conclusion Ample opportunities for S&T to increase food security, to alleviate hunger and to strengthen development The African situation requires specific instead of generic S&T solutions Not one green revolution, but multitude of rainbow evolutions Full power S&T unlocked only when scientific development is accompanied by adequate enabling conditions (including the international community)
Dissemination African organizations (Nepad, AU, FARA, SROs, NARIs) Multilateral organizations (UN, FAO, UNEP) Scientific organizations (IAC, national academies, ARIs) Donor organizations (DGIS, DFID) Creation of AGRA (Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa)
Coordination with other panels Millennium Development Goals MDG has eclipsed the IAC in most recommendation areas The global report of the Science Council of the CGIAR Proposed programs of the two taskforces in line with the recommendations of the IAC report Sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Program Pilot Learning Sites The World Bank coordinated IAASTD The IAC-report was presented and well received Objectives correspond directly to IAC-report The World Development Report Strengthens the role of research and technology
Technology options that can make a difference Challenge Program Irrigated system Maize mixed system Tree crop based system Cereal root crop mixed system Hunger Hotspot (CIESIN) Pilot Learning Sites (CP SSA)
Technology options that can make a difference Challenge Program Program for Dissemination of New Agricultural Technologies in Africa (DONATA) SROs competitive grants Multi-country Agricultural Productivity Program (MAPP) Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Program (CAADP)
Building impact-oriented research, knowledge and development institutions African Centers of Agricultural Research Excellence (ACAREs): Biosciences East and Central Africa (BECA) Network of African Science Academies (NASAC)
Creating and retaining a new generation of agricultural scientists Building African Scientific and Institutional Capacity Building (BASIC) Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) Global Open University Economics of Agriculture and Natural Resources Agro-ecology
Markets and policies to make the poor income and food secure Political will Constant emphasis in dissemination NEPAD FAO CGIAR Appropriate instruments Commitment of the world community Adequate financial support
15/05/2018 Thank you