Year 8 Parents’ Information Evening Monday 10th October 2016
8 Gradu G r e y C o u r t S c h o o l
-To maintain focus and momentum of Year 7 -To raise achievement -To raise engagement -To embed Grey Court Ethos - To develop team work -To build relationships with tutors
Success Criteria -Improved attendance -Improved achievement- higher proportion of students on or above target -Increased levels of engagement- 100% students participate in each challenge
Graduation Ceremony and Awards 1st 2:1 2:2 3rd
G R A D U T E I C - N V S H X O L P
Give Challenge 1 In our lives we are often given a great deal by others. Now it is your challenge to give something back by raising money for charity. Award 30 Raise at least £20 for charity. This can be a school charity event, a national or local event (e.g Sport Relief ) or your own initiative. 20 Raise at least £10 for charity. This can be a school charity event, a national or local event (e.g Sport Relief) or your own initiative 10 Raise at least £3 for charity. This can be a school charity event, a national or local event (e.g Sport Relief) or your own initiative
Restorative 30 20 10 Challenge 2 Award Restorative Approaches are one of the things that make our school special. It is our way of ensuring we look after each other. Now is the time to show how you interact with peers & staff to make a positive contribution to the Grey Court community. Award 30 Keep a “Restorative Approaches Reflection Diary” in your tutor base & fill it in weekly with your acts of support and kindness. 20 Contributions to the community: looking after a new student, volunteering your time or skills at school events, positive behaviour in school and the local community. 10 Random acts of kindness: helping out in tutor time, helping a member of staff, guiding a fellow student, handing in lost property.
Achieve 30 20 10 Challenge 3 Award Meeting, or exceeding your subject target levels in year 8 demonstrates your commitment to your studies and positive attitudes towards learning; all of which are key to having high aspirations for your future. Award 30 10 or more subjects on or above target 20 8 or more subjects on or above target 10 5 or more subjects on or above target
Develop 30 20 10 Challenge 4 Award You are challenged to develop a new skill this year; something perhaps you have not tried before. This is a great opportunity to learn something as a tutor group or as an individual. Either way, you will keep a record of your learning journey and present your skill at the end of the year in a ‘Dragon’s Den’ event. Award 30 Develop a new skill individually and take part in the Gradu8 ‘Dragon’s Den’ event. You will present your journey using a form of multimedia (video, audio, website etc.). Document your progress in the ‘learning journey’ booklet 20 Tutor group challenge: Learn a new skill as a tutor group (be as creative as you can). Document your progress in the ‘learning journey’ booklet. 10 Develop a new skill such as learning a new language at school, or a new sport in PE. Complete your ‘learning journey’ booklet.
Develop magic skipping makaton juggling origami making sushi first aid yoga freestyle football
U-explore 30 20 10 Challenge 5 Award An outstanding student is always thinking about the future and sets long term aspirational goals as well as short term targets. U-Explore is a fantastic resource to help to get you planning your pathway and ensure you are doing everything now to be ready for your perfect career. Award 30 To identify a clear long term career goal and to use U-Explore to create an outstanding power point presentation on three possible career choices that interest you and detail how you would get into that profession. Evidence of detail research including interviews and photos for exhibition. 20 To identify a career goal and Use U-Explore to create a good power point presentation on two possible career choices that interest you and detail how you would get into that profession. 10 To begin to identify a career goal .Use U-Explore to create a good power point presentation on a possible career choice that interests you and detail how you would get into that profession.
Accelerate 30 20 10 Challenge 6 Award Accelerated reader is a great opportunity for you to improve your reading & comprehension skills. This challenge will help you take control of your reading progress. Award 30 Read 1 million words in Accelerated Reader during year 8. 20 Improve your average reading age by 1 year during year 8. 10 Improve your average reading age by 0.5 years during year 8.
Target 30 20 10 Challenge 7 Award After your PC1 checks, you will work with your tutor and set 3 SMART targets for improvements. These will then be monitored and checked throughout the year & evidenced in your planner. Award 30 Fully meet all three of your academic tutoring targets (set after PC1) by the end of year 8. 20 Meet two of your academic tutoring targets (set after PC1) by the end of year 8. 10 Meet only one of your academic tutoring targets (set after PC1) by the end of year 8.
Enterprise 30 20 10 Challenge 8 Award You will be given £1 at one point during the year. You must use your enterprising skills to turn this investment into a profit. 50% of the profits will go towards the grey Court donar tree and charity and 50% will go towards the Year 8 Gradu8 celebration event. The £1 must be returned even if your are unable to make a profit. Award 30 Return your £1 and at least an additional £10 Your log must show how you achieved this profit. 20 Return your £1 and at least an additional £5 Your log must show how you achieved this profit. 10 Return your £1 and at least an additional £1 Your log must show how you achieved this profit.
Award Classifications Challenge Score Collection Card 30 20 10 Give Restorative Achieve Develop U-explore Accelerate Target Enterprise TOTAL /240 Award Classifications 1st 230 points 2:1 190 points 2:2 140 points 3rd 90 points Student signature: Tutor signature: Date:
Week Beginning Tutor Group 8s Theme 31/10 Ash Target 14/11 Beech Careers 28/11 Cedar Restore 03/01 Elm Enterprise 30/01 Maple Give TBC Rowan Develop Oak Achieve Willow Accelerate
“Gradu8 helped me realise that helping others does not take much time or effort” Gradu8 was a fantastic thing to do. I got a 2:1! It helped us work together as a form and we learnt how to make Sushimi.”
“Gradu8 was an amazing learning experience, it helped students learn about being thoughtful to each other.” Doing Gradu8 with my tutor group was great fun. Coming up with the ideas for the Develop Challenge really bonded the group.”
“Gradu8 helped me develop some new skills “Gradu8 helped me develop some new skills. It also showed me what I am capable of academically also, especially the meta-homeworks” “By doing Gradu8 I learnt how to be a better member of the Grey court community.”