White Crucifixion By Marc Chagall Nekayla.
Marc Chagall Chagall was born in a small community on the outskirts of Vitebsk, Belarus, on July 7th ,1887. His Father was a fishmonger. His Mother ran a small Sundries Shop in the village. Chagall based his work generally on emotional association rather than traditional pictorial fundamentals. He died on March 28, 1985 at the age of 97 leaving behind a vast collection of work along with a rich legacy as an iconic Jewish artist and pioneer of modernism.
Quick Definitions Fishmonger, a person or store that sells fish for food. Sundries, various items not important enough to be mentioned individually. Modernism, a style or movement in the arts that aim to break with classical and traditional forms.
The White Crucifixion Painted in 1938. Oil painting on canvas measuring 60 7/8 x 55 1/16 inches. Background Chagall learned more of the concentration camps after his escape from Europe, and the Nazis had destroyed his home city. His Fiancé at the time Bella died unexpectedly of a viral infection. The White Crucifixion resulted from the events Chagall and Jewish endured during the War and Nazi control. The White Crucifixion was his escape painting.
Symbolism: Chagall, a Jewish artist, places Christ on a crucifix in the center of the canvas. Christ is positioned on the cross. The cross is diagonal. The white represents the light of God shining down on the scene. Several key details are used to emphasize Jesus’ Jewish identity. Peep the Jewish head cloth in place of the “crown of thorns”. On each side of Jesus are images of violent against Jewish communities. Chagall attempts a form of protest art, connecting Christ’s death to both the Jewish faith and to contemporary events.
Symbolism Continued: The Art Institute of Chicago website notes, “Chagall’s painting passionately identifies the Nazis with Christ’s tormentors and warns of the moral implications of their actions.” Chagall presents the violent events he saw in the painting. Where can it be found: The Art Institute of Chicago Category: European Art of the World War II Era
Art Work by Marc Chagall
References Definitions, Background Information, Research – Google Art of World War II Era Book Art Resource Guide