Youth Policy and Integration Project Meeting „EASY Towns“ / in L’Alfas del Pì, April 18-20, 2016 1
A. Overview 2
with migration background: 56.927 Population (2013) Total: 118.946 with migration background: 56.927 nationwide the second highest proportion of people with a migration background: 47% (census of 2011). Immigration continues and leads to a positive development of the population number. Recent immigration from South-East Europe, Poland and Turkey + significant increase in the number of asylum seekers & refugees * = Prognosis; about 1/3 of them are children/youth 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016* Refugees in Pforzheim 26 71 65 187 291 1265 3725*
B. The youth council 4
The Youth Council in Pforzheim 5
The Youth Council in Pforzheim -founded in 2014 -elected by 14-21 year olds in Pforzheim -sessions just like the city council -sends its members into the council sessions -budget of 35.000€ -represents the opionion of the young people within the city 6
Youth Participation Day in 2016 „Critical questions from a young audience“ 7
Youth Participation Day in 2016 8
Media Attention „Thumbs up for the political youth“ Present in both local newspapers „Thumbs up for the political youth“ Has its own Facebook page Has its own online presence in the website of the city hall 9
The youth council & integration VIDEO 10
Plans for the future 26th of April: „school theme day“ -launched initiative by the youth council -the youth council participates in the event -about 300 students -workshops like „security“, „culture“, „school“ and „cultural diversity“ -presented to administrative staff and council members by the end of the day -also: local event of EASY Towns 11
Upcoming events We invite you to the next international event in Germany Where: Castle Liebenzell, close to Pforzheim When: 6th-9th of October What can you expect: -a lecture about youth participation -workshops -international networking and of course a friendly and warm welcome in the Black Forest! 12
Thank you for your attention!