Dual Enrollment OUR TEAM: Dr. Latishua E. Lewis, Director Tamar Cassagnol, Assistant Director Lisandra Jimenez, West Coordinator Rachel Bellamy, West Academic Advisor Mildred Medina, East Coordinator Christina Rigel, East Academic Advisor Jessica Jurado Arroyo, Osceola Coordinator Lindsey Oxenrider, Osceola Academic Advisor
What is Dual Enrollment? Dual Enrollment is a program which allows students to pursue an advanced curriculum that earns the student both high school and college credit simultaneously.
What are the benefits of participating in the Dual Enrollment Program? Get a head start on earning college credit Experience the college atmosphere Offset the cost of a college education Stand out among your peers
CRITERIA TO PARTICIPATE At the time of application: Grades 6-11: 3.0 unweighted high school CGPA Grade 12: 3.0 weighted CGPA College ready test scores (PERT, SAT, or ACT) Parent and Guidance Counselor approval signature
PROGRAM EXPECTATIONS Rigor of Courses Communication Time Management
What is the Maximum Number of Credits a Student Can Enroll in for Fall & Spring? 7 Credit Hours 15 Credit Hours 13 Credit Hours As many as they would like C. 13 Credit Hours
ACADEMICS Credit Hours Test Scores Maintaining Eligibility Must be reported directly to Valencia: - SAT/AP exams: www.collegeboard.orgwww.collegeboard.org - ACT: www.act.orgww.act.org - PERT: www.valenciacollege.edu/assessments Maintaining Eligibility Complete high school graduation requirements Continue communication with DE Academic Advisors Must maintain a 2.0 VC GPA and 3.0 HS GPA 2 successive terms of less than 2.0 VC GPA results in Academic Probation and program dismissal Credit Hours 13 credit hours for Fall/Spring, and 7 credit hours for Summer Increased coursework is not allowed
What Tests Can You Take to Qualify for Dual Enrollment? ACT CPT SAT PERT A, C, & D E. A, C, & D
Any combination of eligible scores accepted TEST SCORES AT A GLANCE PERT ACT SAT Reading 106 Writing 103 Math 123 (College Algebra) 114 (Intermediate Algebra) Reading 19 English 17 Math 21 (College Algebra) 19 (Intermediate Algebra) Reading 24 Writing 25 Math 26.5 (College Algebra) 24 (Intermediate Algebra) *Send ALL scores electronically to VC Any combination of eligible scores accepted www.valenciacollege.edu/assessments
What Happens After You Submit an Application? Your Valencia ID is generated You will receive an acceptance / denial letter You can take the PERT / SAT / ACT You are automatically accepted Your Valencia ID is generated
ACCEPTANCE/DENIAL LETTER APPLICATION PROCESS VID INCOMPLETE LETTER ACCEPTANCE/DENIAL LETTER Once application is completed and submitted, VID will be issued Incomplete letters will be sent twice throughout our application process Once required GPA and eligible test scores are on file, an acceptance or denial letter will be sent by November 17th
True or False: Completed DE applications can be submitted in person to the Dual Enrollment Office. B. False
Spring 2018 APPLICATION DATES Application Opens Monday, September 4th Application Closes Friday, October 13th Friday, October 20th Test Score Deadline Friday, October 27th Friday, November 3rd
valenciacollege.edu/dual Questions? Coordinators: Lisandra Jimenez West Campus Jessica Jurado Arroyo Osceola Campus Mildred Medina East Campus Website: valenciacollege.edu/dual Email: dualenrollment@valenciacollege.edu Telephone: 407-582-1600 www.facebook.com/groups/ValenciaDualEnrollment