Meet The Teacher Early Stage One
Teachers Miss Alice McGowan K/1M Mrs Yvette Perceval KP Please see your child’s teacher if you have any concerns or questions about our school or your child’s education. Alice
This Year… We intend to make this year as fun, exciting and stress free as possible. We want every child to feel successful, confident, safe and valued. We aim to give every child the opportunity to succeed in all areas of their schooling by catering for their individual. Alice
Education We want every student to develop a love of learning and continue this love over their lifetime. If you show your children you are interested in and value education and learning, then they will feel the same. Alice
K-2 Organisation Whole School Assembly- Friday at 12:30pm K-2 Sport- Friday 1:40-2:40pm (Beginning in Week 5) Protestant Scripture- Friday at 11:15 Yvette
Library Students will go to the Library for one hour each week with a focus on getting to know the Library and literacy skills. Library will be taught by Ms Suzanne Lewis, our Librarian. Students will need to bring a library bag on Library day in order to borrow. They may borrow two books each week. Library Days- K/1M: Tuesday KP: Thursday Yvette
RFF Teachers have two hours of time in a week which they use for planning, preparation and other administrative tasks. One of these hours is Library time. During Term One, during the other hour, students will be taught Physical Education by Mrs Trudi Gallagher. Alice
English The English Syllabus specifies to us what we have to teach. Teaching and learning programs are based on this document. The Literacy Continuum breaks skills down into clusters and provides markers indicating a child’s progress. It provides strategies for teachers to move students along. Your child’s teacher will use the continuum this year. Alice
English Each week students will be exposed to up to five high frequency words. In class we will focus on six letters and sounds over a three week period. These are listed on the ‘Helping Your Child at Home’ handout. Alice
L3 What is L3? Language, Learning and Literacy (L3) is a pedegogy for K- 2 students. Our teachers will be participating in training to learn how to use these ideas in their classroom. L3 focuses on providing rich literacy experiences to assist all children to become successful readers and writers and occurs as part of the daily literacy lesson. Your child and L3 Students are placed into small groups of three or four students. Groups are given explicit teaching in reading strategies. The rest of the class participate in levelled, independent tasks to consolidate their learning. Yvette
Mathematics Mathematics is also one of the six learning areas. It is organised into three strands *Number and Algebra *Measurement and Geometry *Statistics and Probability Mathematical processes are also important *Communicating *Problem Solving *Reasoning *Understanding *Fluency Yvette
TEN Targeted Early Numeracy is a 10 minute daily session focussing on how students solve number problems. Activities are focussed at the student’s level and aim to move students to the next level. Yvette
Parent Helpers We would love to have parent helpers both in and out of the classroom. Please see your child’s teacher if you are able to assist in any way. Please be advised you will need a working with children check, which can be obtained by visiting You will need to sign in at the office each time you come to the school. Alice
Equipment Thank you for providing the requested equipment. Tissues and paper towel are always welcome! Alice
Homework Home reading will begin in Week 6. Homework will begin next term. See the ‘Helping Your Child at Home’ handout for ideas to support your child’s learning at home. Alice
Behaviour PBL- Safety, Respect, Responsibility In class process: Name on board and explanation of correct behaviour. Cross next to name- in class time out. Another cross- time out in another Stage One classroom. Third cross- Sent to an executive member, reflection. Yvette
BRAVE Be calm Respect yourself and tell them to stop Attempt to ignore Violence is not the answer Express your feelings and concerns Alice
How can you help? Contact your child’s classroom teacher if you have any issues or concerns – before they escalate. Ensure your child is organised and prepared for school each day – healthy lunch, water, school hat, equipment. Engage with your child’s learning – ask questions, assist with homework, talk about successes/challenges in the classroom. Yvette
Any questions? Yvette and Alice