RCA Project on Establishing a Benchmark for Assessing the Radiological Impact of Nuclear Power Activities on the Marine Environment in the Asia and Pacific Region (RAS/7/016) Project Planning Meeting Vienna, Austria, 9-13 July 2007. Prinath Dias Senior Project Management Officer and RCA Focal Person
RCA Vision To be recognized as an effective partner in providing nuclear technologies that address socio-economic needs and contribute to sustainable development in the region.
Project development procedure (simplified) Selection and prioritisation of the Project Concepts by the National RCA Representatives. Appraisal of the selected Project Concepts according to IAEA TC Criteria, by the RCA Focal Person (FP) and the assigned Technical Officer. (TO) Design of the projects selected for implementation following appraisal, by the Project Lead Country Coordinators (PLCCs) in consultation with the FP and the TO using the Logical Framework Matrix (LFM). Refinement of the project design by the FP in consultation with the PLCCs and the TO, uploading of the project design to the interactive web-site PCMF and allocation of funds based on the Work Plan.
Project development procedure (contd). Agreement of the PLCC, FP and TO to the final project design and budget. Submission of the projects for approval of the Board of Governors of the IAEA. Provision of information of the approved projects to the National RCA Representatives requesting appointment of National Project Coordinators for the projects they intend to participate in. Provision of project details to the National Project Coordinators.
Programme Cycle Management Framework (PCMF) A web-based application for programme cycle management (project design, implementation and evaluation) Web-site: pcmf.iaea.org Username and password for TC-PRIDE can be used to access PCMF. All NPCs of each project have been registered on pcmf and can access their respective projects.
Logical Framework Matrix (LFM) Design Element Verifiable Indicator Means of Verification Assumptions Outcomes Outputs Activities Inputs
Project Objective The objectives of the project are: 1) To assist RCA Member States to develop and strengthen coordinated regional marine radioactivity monitoring programmes; 2) To refine assessments of risks involved in eating seafoods by establishing dose responses and transfer factors specific and appropriate to the marine biota found in the region; 3) To update and sustainably maintain the regional database as an ongoing repository for new data generated from monitoring programmes, and to enhance the utility of this regional resource 4) To establish a documented quality management system for regional marine radioactivity monitoring programmes and for data generated by Member States.
Outcomes A coordinated and transparent regional approach to development and execution of marine radioactivity monitoring programmes. Strengthened capabilities in the region for making radionuclide measurements in marine environmental samples; and risk assessments by determination of dose assessment and transfer factors for marine biota. Enhanced regional resource for analysing trends and understanding the fate and behaviour of key radionuclides in the marine environment. A consistent framework for total quality management of marine radioactivity monitoring programmes and associated data generated by Member States.
Outputs 1. Project implementation and monitoring structure 2. Regional capability for radionuclide measurements of marine environmental samples, determination of dose assessment, transfer factors & risk analysis for regionally endemic marine biota. 3. An expanded regional database (ASPAMARD) incorporating new data from national monitoring programmes, dose responses and transfer factors for regional marine biota. 4. An agreed Quality Management System (ISO 9000 compatible) documentation for marine radioactivity monitoring programmes and data management by participating RCA Member States.
Main activities Out put 1 Planning and Progress review Meetings, establishment of National Project Teams, progress reporting (4 activities) Output 2 Regional Training Courses, Technical Meetings, national monitoring programmes, Expert Missions, sample analysis (14 activities) Output 3 Expansion & improvement of radioactivity database (2 activities) Output 4 Technical Meetings, development of documents ( 3 activities)
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