Chapter 13.1 Early Christianity
SPI 6.68 Describe the origins and central features of Christianity. (C, G, H, P) monotheism the belief in Jesus as the Messiah and God’s Son the concept of resurrection the concept of salvation belief in the Old and New Testaments the lives, teachings and contributions of Jesus and Paul the relationship of early Christians to officials of the Roman Empire
Judaism and Rome Roman allowed Judaism to be practiced Romans ruled Jews with iron fist Jews hoped that God would send a deliverer
Control by Romans Romans took over Israel Allowed Jewish kings to rule Renamed Israel – Judah
Control by Romans Jews disagreed over how to deal with Romans Some wanted to avoid conflict Some wanted to cooperate Some wanted to limit contact Some ignored Romans
Jewish Revolts Zealots rebelled against Romans Romans crushed the uprising Destroyed the Jewish temple
Masada 1,000 Jewish defenders lived here Held off Romans for two years When Romans overtook Masada, only 2 women and 5 children were alive The others had committed suicide rather than live under Roman rule
Jewish Revolt A.D. 132, Jews rebel again Romans force all Jews to leave Jerusalem Declared that no Jews could ever return
Jesus of Nazareth Born in Bethlehem Why Christians celebrate Christmas
Jesus of Nazareth Jesus grew up in Nazareth Started preaching at around 30 12 disciples traveled with Jesus
What was the Message of Jesus? According to the Christian Bible, God created all people God loves all people the way a father loves his children People should love God and each other
Sermon on the Mount “The Beatitudes” Not enough to follow religious laws People need to love God and forgive from the heart
Parables Jesus spoke in parables-stories about things his listeners could understand, using events from everyday life
The Good Samaritan Good Samaritan helped an injured man along side of the road even though he was not a Samaritan
Prodigal Son Father forgives wasteful son
Parables Teaching Both “The Good Samaritan” and the “Prodigal Son” teach God loves people who have erred and will forgive them if they trust him
How Did Christianity Begin? Jesus and his message sparked strong reactions Followers spoke of Jesus performing miracles Many believed Jesus was the deliverer
Divisions Most Jews did not follow Jesus Romans feared his preaching
Last Supper In A.D. 33, Jesus traveled to Jerusalem Jesus celebrated Passover with disciples
Betrayal of Jesus Jesus was arrested and crucified
Resurrection According to the Christian belief, Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to some of his disciples
Birth of Christianity Jesus showed himself to Mary Magdalene The message of the resurrection-or rising from the dead, led to the birth of Christianity
Who Were the Apostles? Early Christian leaders who spread the message of Jesus were called Apostles
Who Were the Apostles Those who accepted Jesus and his teachings became known as “Christians” The word comes from Jesus Christ Christ comes from Christos which is Greek for “the anointed one”
Christians First Christians formed churches Met in homes Prayed and studied the Hebrew Bible
Early Christian Leaders Apostles played important in growth of Christianity Peter and Paul were two important apostles in Early Christian Church
Peter Jewish fisher from Galilee Knew Jesus Helped set up a Christian church in Rome
Paul From Tarsus Raised as a Roman Distrusted Christians Hebrew name was Saul While traveling to Damascus, Paul saw a great light and heard the voice of Jesus Soon after, Paul became a Christian
What are Basic Christian Beliefs? Monotheistic Believed Jesus was the Son of God Believed Jesus came to save people By becoming Christians, people could gain salvation They would be saved from their sins Allowed to enter heaven
What are Basic Christian Beliefs? Like Jews, Christians believed in the God of Israel Studied the Hebrew Bible Also believe in the Christian Trinity- God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit