Navigate a maze you build using a robot you program! Sphero Maze Madness! Navigate a maze you build using a robot you program!
What is Sphero? Sphero is a robot you can control via Bluetooth connection on your iPad or Android device You can use it like a remote controlled robot, or program it to do certain actions at certain times.
Roles within your Group Measurer – measure distances and angles Recorder – record rate, distance, time Drafter/Drawer – draw the maze on paper Calculator – calculate the rate Sphero travels, how far and fast it needs to go Instruction Writer/Reader – write, read and help interpret written language instructions Programmer – enters the code into Macro Lab Tester – tests the program to make sure your group is on the right track
Building the Maze (15 minutes) You can create different pathways through the maze with books, boxes, ramps and tubes Make it challenging, but not too challenging! Other teams have to go through the maze, but so do you!
Data Gathering (30 minutes) Find the rate of speed the Sphero travels Draw the maze and choose your path Take measurements of distances and angles to follow the path you have drawn
Planning (30 minutes) Convert your data into written instructions, using plain language Don’t skip any steps! At the end, you should have a list of instructions in your own words of how to make the Sphero navigate the maze
Programming (90 minutes) Convert your written instructions into commands in Macro Lab Don’t skip any steps! Remember, good coders test as they go!
RACE!! (45 minutes) Race against each other Winners will be determined by the following: Staying within the maze Completion of maze Anything else? HAVE FUN!
Build the Maze – you have 15 minutes! Let’s get started Build the Maze – you have 15 minutes!
Gather Data (30 min) Find the Rate of Speed (Calculator) (Rate = Distance/Time) Create a Macro where the Sphero moves straight forward for 1 second at 100% speed 1000ms = 1 second Measure how far it traveled in 1 second Draw the Maze on Paper (Drafter) Determine the Path your Sphero will take (Entire Team) Take measurements of distances and angles (Measurer)
Planning (30 min) Convert your data into specific instructions Write down those instructions in plain language (Instruction Reader/Writer) Don’t skip any steps! Remember, you have to tell the Sphero to do EVERYTHING you want it to. At the end, you should have a list of written instructions in your own words of how to get through the maze.
Programming (90 min) Convert your specific instructions into code on the iPad in Mac Lab (Programmer) Remember to test as you go!
RACE!! (45 minutes)
What did you learn?