e-mail: f.wokabi@pu.ac.ke Beyond Compliance and Certification to Acculturation of Quality in Higher Educational Institutions: Prospects and Challenges Presenter: Dr. Francis Wokabi, Pwani University. e-mail: f.wokabi@pu.ac.ke
The Problem Existence of diverse quality assurance structures, processes and mechanisms that do not necessarily indicate acculturation of quality in HEIs
Key Concepts…1 Compliance- compliance, submission- not necessarily conviction, commitment, transformation Certification- legal acknowledgment and permit to practice- not necessarily tested and trusted competence, sustained reputation for excellence
Concepts…2 Acculturation- integration of material and non-material elements that make one who she is- a total and authentic way of life-language, beliefs, skills, attitudes, values, relationships, infrastructure etc- consistency in thought, word, action
Diversity of standards for HEI in Kenya constitution International Initiatives CUE standards Laws Government policies Professional Standards ISO standards Internal policies And procedures
Some Evidence for lack of acculturation…1 Weak self-evaluation, correction and improvement Diverse QA mechanisms regarded as competing rather than complementary Lack of ownership by a critical mass of members of organisations
Evidence…2 Capacity constraints Dichotomy between individual and organisational purposes and goals Insensitivity to non-conformities-the so what? attitude
Evidence…3 Nostalgia for olden days fear of future negative possibilities Paralysis of analysis-little implementation and results Complaints from employers about HE graduates and little self employment of graduates
Some Prospects Problems and risks as opportunities Globalisation Demand for quality education Liberalization of education Enlightened clients and demand for transparency and accountability Existence of QA agencies and mechanisms
Challenges- Discerned from ISO audit experiences…1 Mismatch between individual and organisational purposes and goals Aversion to criticism Lack of autonomy and initiative QA regarded as events not processes
Challenges…2 Oral rather than writing tradition-weak documentation Inattentiveness to data and data driven decision making Hostile attitude to QA Defensiveness- justifying non compliance
Challenges…. 3 Focus on correction rather than corrective action- reactive v/s proactive approach- partial v/s wholistic Compliance v/s excellence and continual improvement- minimum v/s extra mile
Needed for Acculturation…1 habit of self-reflection and improvement clarity of and harmony between individual as well as institutional purposes appreciation of the place of processes and systems
Needed…2 willingness to take responsibility willingness to collaborate and accommodate diverse perspectives and readiness to adapt imaginatively to new situations
Conclusion Need to identify and use innovative ways of acculturating quality in HEIs Rethink how planning; allocation of resources; recruitment, rewarding and development of employees ; interaction with stakeholders; and management of change are done
Recommendations Continued research and discussion on quality assurance in HEIs Research on the extent to which individuals and their institutions have acculturated/are acculturating quality
The End Thank you for listening to me. Welcome to Pwani University, Kilifi, Kenya