Facing Tough Questions
Don’t you think you just believe in God because your parents do? “Your religious beliefs typically depend on the community in which you were raised of live. The spiritual experiences of people in ancient Greece, medieval Japan or 21st century Saudi Arabia do not lead to belief in Christianity. It seems, therefore, that religious belief very likely tracks not truth but social conditioning.” Gary Gutting “The Stone” NYT Sept. 14, 2011
What I’d want to say Of course I’ve been influenced by my parents – I’ve learned a lot from them. But there are also things I disagree with my parents about. The reason I’m a Christian is because I believe it’s true; there are good, rational reasons to believe it’s true. Many in ancient Greece, medieval Japan, and even 21st century Saudi Arabia have never heard a true presentation of Christianity. The gospel is good news of something that happened. That’s why we are so eager to tell others about Christ. The Bible says: “How shall they believe in him of whom they have never heard?” Rom. 10:14
How do you know that Christianity is true How do you know that Christianity is true? How do you know you aren’t wrong, even deluded or brainwashed? “We have unshakable testimony of countless people who feel in their heart that the Emperor of Japan is divine, or that Muhammad’s revelations in the Koran are true.” But you say they are wrong and you are right. How can you justify that? - Peter Boghossian
What I’d want to say I think we have to acknowledge that many people believe different things very strongly. So the test is not how strongly I feel about something…the test is, is this actually true?! Everything about this conversation is only consistent with a biblical worldview – an atheist worldview cannot consistently support logic, rational argument, science, or morality. I can only know anything with certainty because God exists. There are many other reasons why I think the Bible is trustworthy, Jesus really rose from the dead, God exists, etc. The Bible says we should expect Christianity to seem foolish to the world – if the Spirit of God has not revealed this truth to you, it will seem foolish! But if the Spirit of God has revealed it, this truth is stamped, confirmed, assured to our hearts – we already have the down payment that guarantees the truth of the eternal life that’s coming.
Aren’t all gods basically getting at the same thing? Isn’t God in the Bible pretty similar to Allah, even if we view him a bit differently, and the Trinity pretty similar to Hinduism, even if we describe them a bit differently? And if there are differences, how can one be so good it’s leads to everlasting reward and the other be so bad it leads to everlasting punishment/hell?
What I’d want to say If you compare Christianity to the other religions, it isn’t just different; it is mutually exclusive. They both can’t be true. Christianity is unique in that most religions tell us how to live in order to get eternal life (contract). Christianity is not about how to live, it is good news about what God has done (covenant). Christianity isn’t somebody’s description of God, or impression of God, or idea of how to please God. Christianity is God speaking to us, and telling us about Himself. According to Romans 1, other religions aren’t efforts of people to find God, but efforts of people to make life work their own way instead of God’s way!
Your religion doesn’t make sense If a man who committed multiple murders and rapes was in prison and repented and trusted in Christ, do you believe he’d go to heaven? If a man who spent his entire life serving others, giving everything he had to charity, and encouraging people in life did not trust Christ, do you believe he’d go to hell? How in the world can you believe that? Where’s the justice in that?
What I’d want to say You are assuming that the overall balance of what we do – whether kind or unkind – determines where a person spends eternal life. But we believe that sin – the thing that deserves punishment – is ultimately about doing what we want rather than what God wants. This means that living life on our own, without submitting to God, leaves us worthy of punishment. The only way to avoid that punishment is to run to the Savior God sent.
Finally, remember… You don’t convert someone, God does. And He may do it over a long time. You never know how God will use this conversation. You don’t have to know the answer every time. Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know”. That’s way better than making up a baloney answer just to have one. Remember that every non-Christian is standing on your ground. An atheist worldview cannot explain or justify logic, rational thinking, or morality…so in even having the conversation, they have to act like there is a God. Don’t be intimated!