Homework: Christianity Pages in Religion Book due Monday! 11/10/16 Homework: Christianity Pages in Religion Book due Monday! Bellwork (3-5 full & complete sentences; 7 words each. Quiet time) Discuss three ways in which Judaism, Christianity, & Islam are similar. Think stories, values, practices, beliefs, etc. Why do you think I asked you to make connections between the monotheistic religions? Five Pillars Activity, continued
To-Do Fill out your heading and summary of your pillar on the ½ sheet Then grab the same computers as yesterday Make sure everyone is contributing & your speaker is prepared to share with the class Ensure the front side of your pillar has at least one image and the name of your pillar Ensure the back side of your pillar has the name of your pillar, description of your pillar, conference, & names of group members.
Statement of Faith Write the pillar and description as they present Share with your elbow partner what you wrote Complete the witness box based upon what your partner shared with you
Prayer Write the pillar and description as they present Share with your elbow partner what you wrote Complete the witness box based upon what your partner shared with you
Alms Write the pillar and description as they present Share with your elbow partner what you wrote Complete the witness box based upon what your partner shared with you
Ramadan Write the pillar and description as they present Share with your elbow partner what you wrote Complete the witness box based upon what your partner shared with you
Hajj Write the pillar and description as they present Share with your elbow partner what you wrote Complete the witness box based upon what your partner shared with you
With your elbow/table partner come up with a test question about the Five Pillars of Islam and write it on your ½ sheet.
Statement of Faith Once Muslims need to say out loud “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet”
Prayer Muslims pray five times a day facing Mecca, the holiest city for Muslims.
Alms (almsgiving) A tax Muslims pay which goes to help support the less fortunate (poor, needy, etc.). Can be in the form of money, but also services given for no cost
Ramadan A month-long celebration where Muslims fast during daylight hours to show devotion to Allah and remind themselves of what others go without all year long
Hajj Once in your lifetime (if you can afford to and are in good health) you need to travel to Mecca to visit the Ka’bah