Mary Jo Bowie MS, BS, AAS, RHIA, RHIT
Diseases of the Genitourinary System CHAPTER 19 Diseases of the Genitourinary System
Diseases of the Genitourinary System—Code Range N00-N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system are reported from Chapter 14 of ICD-10-CM. This chapter contains codes for diseases of the urinary system and the male and female genital tracts except for certain genitourinary transmissible infections, neoplasms, and conditions associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium.
Male Reproductive System © Cengage Learning 2014
Female Reproductive System © Cengage Learning 2014
Glomerular Diseases—N00-N08 This block of codes reports: Acute nephritic syndrome Recurrent and persistent hematuria Chronic nephritic syndrome Nephrotic syndrome Nephritic syndrome Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion Heredity nephropathy
Renal Tubulo-Interstitial Diseases—N10-N16 This block of codes reports: Acute and chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis Obstructive and reflux uropathy Drug and heavy metal induced tubulo-interstitial and tubular conditions Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
Acute Kidney Failure and Chronic Kidney Disease—N17-N19 This block of codes reports: Acute kidney failure—N17, when renal function is interrupted suddenly. Chronic kidney disease—N18, identified by stages I to V Unspecified kidney failure—N19, includes uremia NOS
Urolithiasis—N20-N23 This block of codes reports: Calculus of kidney and ureter Calculus of lower urinary tract Calculus of urinary tract in diseases classified elsewhere Unspecified renal colic
Other Disorders of Kidney and Ureter—N25-N29 The categories here include: N25—Disorders resulting from impaired renal tubular function N26—Unspecified contracted kidney N27—Small kidney of unknown cause N28—Other disorders of kidney and ureter, NEC, including renal embolism, obstruction, occlusion, and thrombosis. N29—Other diseases of kidney and ureter in diseases classified elsewhere
Other Diseases of the Urinary System—N30-N39 These categories report: Cystitis Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder Other diseases including bladder-neck obstruction, vesicointestinal fistula, diverticulum of bladder Bladder disorders in diseases classified elsewhere Urethritis and urethral syndrome Urethral stricture, fistula, diverticulum, and caruncle Urinary tract Infections Stress incontinence
Sites of Urinary Tract Infections © Cengage Learning 2014
Disease of the Male Genital Organs—N40-N51 This block reports: Enlarged prostate and inflammatory diseases of prostate Hydrocele and spermatocele Noninflammatory disorders of testis Orchitis and epididymitis Male infertility and oligospermia Disorders of prepuce, penis, and other genital organs Male erectile and sexual dysfunction
Disorders of Breast—N60-N65 This block excludes disorders of the breast associated with childbirth. Disorders reported here include: Benign mammary dysplasia Inflammatory diseases of the breast Hypertrophy of breast Unspecified lump in breast Other disorders including fissure and fistula of nipple, atrophy of breast, and mastodynia
Inflammatory Diseases of the Female Pelvic Organs—N70-N77 This block includes: Salpingitis and oophoritis Inflammatory disease of uterus, except cervix Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri Other female pelvic inflammatory diseases including parametritis and pelvic cellulitis, and female pelvic peritonitis Diseases of Bartholin’s gland Other inflammation of vagina and vulva
Noninflammatory Disorders of Female Genital System—N80-N98 This block includes: Endometriosis Female genital prolapse Fistulae involving female genital tract Noninflammatory disorders of ovary, fallopian tubes, and broad ligament Polyp of female genital tract Erosion, ectropion, dysplasia of cervix uteri Vaginal dysplasia Menstrual disorders
Category N99 N99 reports Intraoperative and Postprocedural Complications and Disorders of Genitourinary System, NEC The code descriptions need to be read closely because at times the codes differentiate between males and females.
Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting The guidelines address the following regarding chronic kidney disease: Stages of chronic kidney disease Chronic kidney disease and kidney transplant status Chronic kidney disease with other conditions
Coding Practice Select the code for the following: Impacted calculus in urethra
Coding Practice Solution Main term to reference in index: Calculus Modifying term: Urethra (impacted) Code Assignment: N21.1