From: Montelukast, a Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist, in Combination With Loratadine, a Histamine Receptor Antagonist, in the Treatment of Chronic Asthma Arch Intern Med. 2000;160(16):2481-2488. doi:10.1001/archinte.160.16.2481 Figure Legend: Study design. Two hundred twenty-nine patients underwent screening; 136 were randomized into the study; and 117 completed the study. Discontinuations secondary to adverse experiences occurred in 10 patients (7%). Three patients withdrew consent; 5 patients were discontinued due to protocol deviations; and 1 patient was unavailable for follow-up. Date of download: 10/13/2017
From: Montelukast, a Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist, in Combination With Loratadine, a Histamine Receptor Antagonist, in the Treatment of Chronic Asthma Arch Intern Med. 2000;160(16):2481-2488. doi:10.1001/archinte.160.16.2481 Figure Legend: The effects of montelukast sodium given concomitantly with loratadine and montelukast alone on the primary end point (mean percentage of change from baseline in forced expiratory volume in 1 second [FEV1]). The solid line represents patients who received montelukast-loratadine in period 2 and montelukast alone in period 4; the dashed line, patients who received montelukast alone in period 2 and montelukast-loratadine in period 4. Data points are shown for each clinic visit; however, only data points from active-treatment periods have symbols. Data points are shifted to maximize legibility. Date of download: 10/13/2017
From: Montelukast, a Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist, in Combination With Loratadine, a Histamine Receptor Antagonist, in the Treatment of Chronic Asthma Arch Intern Med. 2000;160(16):2481-2488. doi:10.1001/archinte.160.16.2481 Figure Legend: The effects of montelukast sodium given concomitantly with loratadine and montelukast alone on daytime asthma symptoms recorded on a daily diary at home (scale, 0-6). The solid line represents patients who received montelukast-loratadine in period 2 and montelukast alone in period 4; the dashed line, patients who received montelukast alone in period 2 and montelukast-loratadine in period 4. Data points are shown for each clinic visit; however, only data points from active-treatment periods have symbols. Data points are shifted to maximize legibility. Date of download: 10/13/2017
From: Montelukast, a Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist, in Combination With Loratadine, a Histamine Receptor Antagonist, in the Treatment of Chronic Asthma Arch Intern Med. 2000;160(16):2481-2488. doi:10.1001/archinte.160.16.2481 Figure Legend: Onset of action of montelukast sodium alone and montelukast given concomitantly with loratadine. The effect of montelukast-loratadine and montelukast alone on change from baseline in the daytime symptom score during the 2-week active-treatment period, based on pooled treatment sequences. Date of download: 10/13/2017