By Neha Reuben Mr.cottons GDL Class. 2015-2016 True Colors By Neha Reuben Mr.cottons GDL Class. 2015-2016
True Colors The True colors is a metaphor. It doesn’t mean ANYTHING. It is a fun thing to do and to see what color you are. There is no good or bad colors.
My Color My color is Gold. I'm a gold because I’m very neat and clean about everything. A gold is someone who is neat and has a lot of structure . Also a lot of gold always follow the rules and loyalty is a trademark and is also Generous. So a gold is the person who can make schoolwork easy.
The Colors The colors are : Blue, Gold, Green, Orange. In my family, we are all different color except, my mom and dad, they are both blue. My brother is a orange and I'm a gold. So in my family, we are like a painting, and no one can paint a painting with two colors. So my family is one COLORFUL FAMILY.
Blue Extremely Imaginative Honesty, integrity important Seek harmonious relationships Appreciate open communication Adept at interacting with others Seek harmony in all you do Able to cultivate the potential in yourself and others My mom and dad are both blue because they are so sweet and never yell.
Green Performs best when working independently Loves to explore abstract concepts Need to be challenged Seek new knowledge and understanding Constantly “in process” of change Trouble with repetition Experience deep feelings My friend Arthi is a green because she loves school and she works better when she is alone.
Gold Value order and well-established routines Cherish traditions Provide for stability & structure Loyalty is a trademark Generous Encourage team efforts Hard, meticulous worker My cousin Aleena is a gold like me because she is a person that can do anything at anytime and that is why I love here.
Orange Adventurous Risk Taker Thrive on choice Master negotiator Learn by doing and experiencing Love the freedom to take immediate action Natural entertainer (light-hearted and love to have fun) Performs best when a sense of competition is present My brother is a orange because he love to be a adventurer and he also love freedom with his friends.
Thank you for watching my presentation THE END Thank you for watching my presentation