(1) Division and differentiation in human cells (F) Cancer Cells (A) Somatic cells Human Cells (E) Uses of stem cells (B) Differentiation in cells (D) Germline cells (C) Stem cells
Division and differentiation in human cells (E) State the research uses of stem cells State the therapeutic uses of stem cells Describe the ethical issues involved in using stem cells
Uses of Stem Cells The Uses of stem cells can be organised into 2 groups: Research and Therapeutic uses Stem cell research provides information on how cell processes such as cell growth, differentiation and gene regulation work. Stem cells can also be used as model cells to study how diseases develop or for drug testing. The therapeutic uses of stem cells involves the repair of diseased or damaged organs, eg corneal transplants and skin grafts for burns.
Ethical Issues surrounding Stem Cells TASKS: Watch the following videos: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/stem- cell-research/14287.html (1st 3 mins only) http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/stem- cell-research-and-medicine/6013.html (5mins) Ethical Issues surrounding Stem Cells After watching the videos, write 2 reasons FOR and AGAINST the use of stem cells.
Worksheets Tasks 2 & 3 Task 2: Research Regulation Procedures Watch the Stem Cell Research Video and use it to answer the following focus questions Task 3: Roslin Research Institute Watch the High Growth Award Winner 2010 – Roslin Cells video and answer the following focus questions