Chief Executive Officer Uncompensated Care Jeff Feasel Chief Executive Officer
Adults- Ages 18-64 Uninsured
Volusia County Population- 517,887 17.4% are below the Federal Poverty Level At or Below FPL- 90,112 5/15/2018
Percent of Families Under FPL Halifax District- 40.0% Southeast Volusia- 15.4% West Volusia- 20.6% Volusia County- 17.4% *Based on primary zip codes 5/15/2018
Enrollment by Income 5/15/2018
Healthcare Exchange Limitations Healthcare Exchange subsidies only apply to citizens with incomes between 100% to 400% Without Medicaid expansion, that leaves over 760,000 in Florida without coverage Source: The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured 5/15/2018
Sliding Scale
Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR) Incomes between 100% to 250% FPL reduces out of pocket expense, such as deductibles, co-pays, and co-insurance. If a low income customer buys a 70% AV plan, they get upgraded. 5/15/2018
Cost Sharing Impact 5/15/2018 CSR 150% FPL CSR 151% FPL to 200% FPL Standard Silver Plan Portion of medical expenses typically paid by the health plan (i.e. actuarial value) 94% 87% 73% 70% Portion of medical expenses paid for by typical enrollee 6% 13% 27% 30% Limit on Annual Out-of- Pocket Costs $2,250 individual / $4,500 family $2,250 individual / $4,500 family $5,200 individual / $10,400 family $6,350 individual / $12,700 family 5/15/2018
ACA Enrollment 2017 5/15/2018
Uncompensated Care as a % of Gross Revenue National Southern Halifax Average States Health (FY16) Bad Debt 3% 4.4% 4.9% Charity Care 3.1% 3% 6.3% Total 6.1% 7.4% 11.2% Average for profit- <3% 5/15/2018
Uncompensated Care as a % of Total Expense NAPH Data National Average- 5.5% Urban Governmental- 15.7% NAPH Members- 21.0% Halifax Health- 36.04% (NAPH- National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems) Finance / FY 2015 5/15/2018
Uncompensated Care Uncompensated Care in FY 2016 was $172.9 million in charges. FY 2016 % Inpatient $83,571,836 48.3% Emergency Room $65,188,787 37.7% Observation Patients $14,100,784 8.2% Same Day Surgery $4,620,466 2.7% Other Outpatient $5,484,422 3.2% 5/15/2018
By Patient Residence 5/15/2018
By Patient Residence 5/15/2018
Halifax 5/15/2018
SE Volusia 5/15/2018
West Volusia 5/15/2018
Flagler 5/15/2018
Outside Volusia/Flagler 5/15/2018
Volusia County Hospital Taxing Districts- Tax Revenue 5/15/2018
Volusia County Hospital Taxing Districts- Tax Millage 5/15/2018