Central Marin Police Authority 2013 Traffic Report
Fast Facts: We responded to 166 traffic collisions in San Anselmo in 2013 146 Collisions occurred on city streets 20 Collisions occurred on private property 119 Collisions were handled by name exchange 47 Collisions were investigated 29 Traffic injury collisions were reported 23 last
Collisions Involving Injuries: Motorcycles 1 Pedestrians 6 Bicyclist 8 Vehicles 14
Primary Collision Factor for Injury Collisions: Driving at Unsafe Speed Unsafe Turning Movements U-Turn Failure to Yield to Vehicles Pedestrian Right of Way Drunk Driving Speed 9, unsafe turn 4, too close 1, start/back 3, peds 2, unknown 2
Locations: Red Hill Ave. Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Center Blvd. Landing last
Injury Collisions by Month: January 2 July 1 February 0 August 2 March 5 September 3 April 1 October 3 May 3 November 4 June 4 December 1
Goals for 2014: Continued involvement in: Safe Routes to School Avoid The 13 Street Smarts Every 15 Minutes Ride & Walk to School Days Community Selective Enforcement and Education Programs Click it or Ticket Click or ticket last
Projections for 2014 Traffic Teams Proactive Programs Develop and Host a High School Safe Driving Educational Program and Power Point Series Apply for Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) Safety Grant Develop a Teen Safe Rides Home Program with the Local High School, Students and their Parents
Traffic Unit MADD Awards: In Officer Shaw’s 7 years as a police officer this is his 6th MADD award. He’s the recipient of 3 county awards and 3 state awards. Officer Fench’s 2nd county award for his efforts to stop drunk driving. My 2nd MADD award; my 1st for Marin County
Top 10 Pictures of the Year: #10 Not paying attention
9: Look at the water coming out of the vehicle…Driver did not know how e got there….not DUI
#8 DUI subject drove through bushes and into creek…
#6 Suicidal subject jump in front of moving vehicle….subject was not seriously hurt…got help
#5 Realized his brakes did not work as well as he thought they would in the rain
#4 Teenage driver…backing down driveway tire went off pavement and vehicle started to roll
#3 Nice hole inside of truck The Ave
#2 DUI
#1 Toward the end of their 9+ hour trip from Oregon to Fairfax the day before Thanksgiving….Red Hill Shopping Center (cakes, cookies and pies in car)