Ling Ning & Mayte Frias Senior Research Associates Neil Huefner


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Presentation transcript:

Estimation of Causal Effects using Propensity Score Weighting in Institutional Research Ling Ning & Mayte Frias Senior Research Associates Neil Huefner Associate Director Timo Rico Executive Director

Outline Understanding causal effects Methods for estimating causal effects Overview of Propensity Scoring methods Example: Estimating the causal impact of a writing program Limitations and conclusion

Causation versus Correlation We are interested in causal effects, not association or correlation. ‘Casual effect’ describes how an outcome changes (e.g., retention, time to degree, term/cumulative GPA) as a direct result of some treatment (e.g., participation in student support services or academic development programs).

Example: How can we estimate the causal effect of a writing tutoring program? Cumulative GPA 0.0 Before Participation After Participation 4.0 when participating False Effect Causal Effect FALSE when NOT participating Fundamental problem for causal effect: We only observe ONE of the two potential outcomes

Random Assignment Estimating Causal Effect Treatment Group Control Group Gold standard for estimating causal effects: Randomization (if true) creates groups being compared balanced on baseline characteristics Treatment assignment is unrelated to potential outcomes (Unconfoundedness assumption satisfied)

Selection Bias When selection bias occurs, the characteristics of participants do not match those of non participants.

Propensity Score Matching Mimic Random Assignment Propensity Score Matching Estimating Causal Effect Propensity Score Matching Mimic Random Assignment Low-income First Generation SAT Score URM Ethnicity Motivation Confidence Treatment Outcomes Participants (Treatment) Selection Bias? Effect Non-Participants (Non-Treatment) Non-Treatment Outcomes

What is PS PS Estimation Logistic regression Estimating the conditional probability of assignment to treatment group given observed covariates where k is the number of covariates; w denotes the binary treatment conditions Main applications of propensity scores*: Matching Stratification Regression adjustment Weighting * Thoemmes, F. J., & Kim, E. S. (2011). A systematic review of propensity score methods in the social sciences. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 46(1), 90-118.

Machine Learning Methods PS Estimation Machine learning methods are state of the art techniques for propensity score analysis that allow researchers to: Readily include many covariates Easier to incorporate multiple different types of covariates in analyses (e.g., binary, ordinal, continuous, skewed variables). Inspect all possible power and interaction terms Avoid issues of model misspecification Easily handle missing data

Machine Learning Methods PS Estimation Benefits to the outcome analysis: Better balance between treatment and comparison group on pretreatment covariates Reduce bias in treatment effect estimates Produce more stable propensity score weights and thus improve precision The ‘Generalized Boosted Model’ (GBM) is one such machine learning method. TWANG* (Toolkit for Weighting and Analysis of Nonequivalent Groups) * Ridgeway, G., McCaffrey, D., Morral, A., Burgette, L., & Griffin, B. A. (2015). Toolkit for Weighting and Analysis of Nonequivalent Groups: A tutorial for the twang package. R vignette. RAND.

Example: Evaluating the causal impact of a campus-wide writing tutoring program What impact does participation in the ‘Writing Tutoring Program’ have on students’ cumulative GPA, retention, and unit progress? Participants 700 students in 2015 freshmen cohort Longitudinal, observational data Non-Participants 3189 students in 2015 freshmen cohort Longitudinal, observational data

Selection Bias Selection bias occurs when the participants in the writing tutoring program compared with non participants differ.

Pretreatment covariates PS Estimation High school academic performance (e.g., high school “a-g” courses, high school honor courses, units of advanced placement courses taken, units of advanced placement courses completed, ACT test scores/SAT test scores, high school transferred units, high school GPA); High school background (e.g., last high school type, location); Social economic status (e.g., URM, low-income, first generation, parents’ education, parents’ income, and family size); Individual characteristics (e.g., sex, age, ethnicity, residential status, international); Major characteristics (e.g., major, STEM). A total of 41 variables were used in generating propensity score.

R code example for generating PS weighting Install.packages(“twang”) library(twang) ps.write_tutoring<- ps(group ~ lstype + atog + atoga + atogb + atogc + atogd + atoge +atogf +atogg +hon10+hon11+hon12+eth_1 + urm+ sex+ incomep+ famsizep+ edfather+ edmother+satrt + satrm + satrw + satrr + eop+ gpa+xhrs+ lowincome1+fg+lang+sats1+sats2+actcon+acte+actm+actr+acts+actw+aptaken+appassed+ + uccorescore+testindex+ schindex+ countypr+ res+ major, data = write_tutoring, estimand = "ATT", stop.method = c("es.mean", "ks.mean","es.max","ks.max"), n.trees = 60000) Source: Ridgeway, G., McCaffrey, D., Morral, A., Burgette, L., & Griffin, B. A. (2016). Toolkit for Weighting and Analysis of Nonequivalent Groups: A tutorial for the twang package. R vignette. RAND.

Diagnostic check for convergence 1

Diagnostic check for balance 2 participants Non-participants

Diagnostic check for balance 3

Propensity Score Weighted Magnitude of group differences pre and post PS weighting Group Difference Effect Sizes among Participants and Non-Participants for select baseline covariates before and after propensity score weighting Some Covariates Unweighted Propensity Score Weighted Participants Non-Participants M SD Effect Size fg(%) 0.52 0.5 0.37 0.48 0.31 0.49 0.07 lowincome (%) 0.4 0.23 0.42 0.34 0.35 0.11 eop(%) 0.59 0.75 0.43 -0.33 0.64 -0.11 satrt 1672.85 262.99 1830 229.23 -0.60 1707.1 257.37 -0.13 satrm 597.65 131.46 625.65 96.37 -0.21 608.04 120.07 -0.08 satrw 536.34 94.85 593.25 89.27 551.53 96.62 -0.16 satrr 509.7 86.27 581.41 88.89 -0.83 522.79 91.27 -0.15 gpa 3.93 4.02 -0.37 3.95 0.24 -0.05 xhrs 21.58 14.45 27.96 16.55 -0.44 23.14 15.92 aptaken 2.78 1.81 3.85 2.2 -0.59 3.06 2.01 appassed schindex 5604.25 366.42 5846.83 355.05 -0.66 5650.8 368.05

GBM PS weight distribution for the comparison group Non-Participants: Before Weighting (N=3189) After Weighting (N=1132) Propensity Weights for Non-Participants

Treatment Effect Analysis Two-level random intercept model estimated using Mplus Estimates of Treatment Effect on Cumulative GPA Weighted Two-level Random Intercept Model Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value confidence interval Effect Size White Participants 0.251 0.058 4.348 0.000 [0.102, 0.399] 0.386 Chicana(o)/Latino Participants 0.220 0.046 4.773 [0.101, 0.339] 0.338 Asian Participants 0.264 0.062 4.283 [0.105, 0.422] 0.406 Note: Covariates include SAT total score, high-school GPA, Advanced Placement Credit, Gender, low-income status, first-generation status, STEM designation of declared major, and participation in other academic support programs and services Assumptions of non-normality, multicollinearity, and non-independent observations addressed

Final Remarks Limitation of the GBM method Conclusions Unobserved covariates influencing treatment assignment Conclusions

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