أدب عصر النهضة - الأنجليزي عمادة التعلم الإلكتروني والتعليم عن بعد اسم المقرر أدب عصر النهضة - الأنجليزي د.محمد نور النعيمي جامعة الملك فيصل عمادة التعلم الإلكتروني والتعليم عن بعد 1
Introduction and Orientation
Syllabus Course Description: This course aims at introducing students to various historical, cultural and literary trends in English Renaissance Literature. Clearly, this course will be divided into three sections. First, the students will be provided with a historical background, dealing with a number of issues such as the kings and Queens, the court, courtiers, and the influence of all that on the cultural side…etc Second, the students will be exposed to the cultural and philosophical aspects of the day such as the works of Luther, Erasmus, and Machiavelli. Third, the students will be exposed to the literary section that will cover poetry, drama, and prose.
Course Objectives: This course aims, among other things, at introducing students : 1 - to the English Literature of the Renaissance, showing them the relationship between English Literature of the time and the historical, cultural and literary concepts of the European Renaissance. 2 – to the literary genres of the literature of the time, such Drama, Poetry, and Prose. 3 to representative English literary texts , encouraging the students to develop an appreciative, critical, and analytical approach. 4 – to major works of major writers such as Marlowe, Shakespeare, Thomas Kyd, Edmond Spenser, John Donne, and Francis Bacon, among many others. 5 – to the necessary literary and critical terms to enable them to deal with the texts to be studied.
Textbook : Ronald Carter & John MacRae, The Routledge History of Literature in English : Britain & Ireland (London & New York : Routledge, 1998). pp. Reference: Jerry Brotton, The Renaissance : A Very Short Introduction (London: Oxford University Press, 2005). Chapter : 6 in particular which deals with the English Literature of the Renaissance.
Week Lectures : A. Contexts and Conditions: 1-3 The students will be introduced in these two lectures to the historical, cultural, and literary contexts. . B. Renaissance poetry: 4. Sir Thomas Wyatt’s and Earl of Surry’s Poetry : The Sonnets. 5. Edmond Spenser’s poetry : From Amoretti, the Faerie Queen and The Sonnets. 6. Christopher Marlowe’s Poetry : The Passionate Shepherd to His Love Sir Walter Ralegh’s poetry : The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd. 7. William Shakespeare’s Sonnets. 8. The Metaphysical poets : John Donne’s A Valediction Forbidding Mourning. C. The Renaissance Prose: 9. Introducing the works of Sir Francis Bacon, Richard Hooker, Thomas Dekker, and Sir Thomas More. D. Renaissance Drama : 10. Drama Before Shakespeare: Christopher Marlowe. 11. Shakespeare’s Theatre 12. Shakespeare’s Plays (Macbeth). 13. Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy. 14. The End of the Renaissance Theatre, and a general review.
توزيع الدرجات : النشاط الدرجة المشاركة في منتديات الحوار على البلاك بورد 10 درجات حضور المحاضرات المسجلة والمحاضرات المباشرة الواجبات المنزلية الاختبار النهائي 70 درجة المجموع النهائي 100 درجة 7 ] 7 [
الساعات المكتبية وجوال المقرر والبريد الإلكتروني: الساعات المكتبية: رقم جوال المقرر: 0501628698 سيكون الجوال مفتوح في الأوقات المحددة بعالية وسيتم إغلاقة خارج هذه الأوقات، لذا على الجميع التقيد بهذه المواعيد البريد الإلكتروني: nour.naimi@gmail.com اليوم الوقت السبت 9-10صباحاً الأحد الاثنين 8 ] 8 [
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