Computer Mathematics CUIT102 Donna Musiyandaka Master of Science in Computation (Oxford University) Bachelor of Business Studies and Computing Science (University of Zimbabwe)
Chinhoyi University of Technology SPECIALISATIONS Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Information Technology (IT) Pictures of Degree Programme: Overview Multimedia Systems Development Techno-preneurship Distributed Systems Communication Skills Principles of Management Software Engineering Software Project Management Data warehousing & data mining Human Computer Interaction Visual Languages & programming Data Structures & Algorithms Virtual Reality Computer Graphics Introduction to Programming IT Fundamentals Object Oriented Programming Parallel Computing Website Design & E-business Database Systems Artificial Intelligence Computer Mathematics Numerical Methods Operations Research Research Methods Simulation & Modelling Neural Networks Operating Systems Design of Micro-Controllers Logic Design & Switching Circuits PC Assembly and Maintenance Data Comm and Networks Data Comm.s & Networks Wireless Communication Computer Org. & Architecture Computer Security Mobile Computing
05-Mar-2013 Aim of Course The course aims to lay the mathematical foundation for information technology courses such as data structures, algorithms, relational databases and networking.
05-Mar-2013 Purpose of the Course Give the student fluency in precise mathematical language to deal with discrete structures Develop skills in algorithmic problem solving, recursive and combinatorial thinking Develop respect for careful definition and skills in mathematical argument
Contents of the Course Logic Proof Sets Relations Functions 05-Mar-2013 Contents of the Course Logic Proof Sets Relations Functions Graphs and Trees Critical Path Analysis Counting Combinatorics and Discrete Probability
05-Mar-2013 Recommended Reading Rosen, K. (2011) Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (7th Edition). ISBN 0073383090, 9780073383095. pp1072 Epp, S.S. (2010) Discrete Mathematics with Applications. Cengage Learning. pp820
05-Mar-2013 Alternative Reading Barnett S. (1998) Discrete Mathematics: Numbers and Beyond, Addison-Wesley: Singapore. Rosen K.H. (2003) Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill: New Delhi. Scheinermann E.R. (2006) Mathematics: A Discrete Introduction, Thomson Brooks/Cole: Belmont, USA. Any other books with keywords “discrete mathematics”, “computer mathematics”
Assessment Take-home assignments (x3): 10-20% 05-Mar-2013 Assessment Take-home assignments (x3): 10-20% Optional Quizzes (x2): 0-10% In-class tests (x2): 10% Final Examination: 70%
Credits Component Item Hours Contact hours Lectures 36 Practicals 05-Mar-2013 Credits Component Item Hours Contact hours Lectures 36 Practicals Tutorials 12 Non-contact Assessment 18 Individual Study 54 (approx. 3 hours per week) Notional Hours (total) 120
Note Taking Done in class Use shorthand as much as possible 05-Mar-2013 Note Taking Done in class Increases participation Use shorthand as much as possible Take notes as I lecture and listen at the same time A skill for a lifetime Get spectacles asap if your eyesight is bad It gets worse with exposure to computer screens. You’re in I.T. Be prepared to head towards blindness!!!
House-keeping issues During lectures Outside lectures 05-Mar-2013 House-keeping issues During lectures Switch off cellphones Dress decently (no hats in class) Communicate in English. Why not? The Exam is written in English after all and your job interviews are in English as well. Outside lectures Can ask me questions if available in office ONLY if you have attempted the question you are asking me about! Be on your best behaviour Students who constantly embarass us in the department are often the worst academic performers No scandal as yet in the department. We don’t expect ANY in the future, either!