Partner Progress Report Tallinn Technical University VILAB: Microelectronics Virtual Laboratory for Cooperation in Research and Knowledge Transfer Partner Progress Report 980901 - 990901 Tallinn Technical University Raimund Ubar
VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901) Tallinn Technical University List of subprojects: SP1: Improving FPGA Design Flow by Introducing Test Activities Partners: IIS/EAS, TTU The goal: Integrate the ATPG developed in TTU into the FPGA Design Flow used at the IIS/EAS SP2: Testability Driven System Design Flow Partners: LIU, TTU, TUD The goal: Developing behavioral level ATPG and Testability Analyser for preanalysing SW/HW codesigns SP3: IDDQ ATPG and Testing Partners: ICS, SUT, TTU The goal: Developing an ATPG for combined voltage and current testing and interfacing it to commercial design tools (Mentor Graphics)
Subtasks and subprojects of the Tallinn Technical University VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901) Tallinn Technical University Subtasks and subprojects of the Tallinn Technical University 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 3.3 4.2 2.3 2.4 SP: High-level ATPG for IP cores SP1: Improving FPGA design flow by test SP2: Testability driven system design flow SP3: IDDQ ATPG and testing SP: Fault model research STU IET IIS/EAS LIU TUD ICS WUT
VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901) Tallinn Technical University Subtask 2.2 (Links to: IIS/EAS, LIU – Subprojects SP1, SP2 ) Results: Fault simulator and ATPG for digital systems WWW Distribution of test generation and fault simulation tools (Turbo-Tester) via URL Tools can be installed: Solaris 2.x, Windows 95/98/NT Current distribution contains utilities for gate-level circuits: three test generators deterministic genetic algorithms random multi-valued simulator for dynamic signal analysis fault simulator EDIF design interface with a library compiler
Subtask 2.3 (Link to: ICS - Subproject SP3 ) VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901) Tallinn Technical University Subtask 2.3 (Link to: ICS - Subproject SP3 ) Creation of interfaces between tools Results: Interfaces between design and test generation tools EDIF interface created at TTU was modified to support translation into ISCAS85 format used by test tools of ICS Interface between high-level VHDL description and Hierarchical Test Pattern Generator Subtask 2.4 (Local use – Subproject SP1) Creation of the set of benchmark circuits for evaluating the quality of test tools The following benchmarks are currently available at TTU: Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) Differential Equation (DIFFEQ) 8-bit multiplier (MULT8x8) Data files are available for: behavioral, RTL (in VHDL) and gate-level (in EDIF) descriptions
Subtask 3.1 (Links to IIS/EAS, LIU, ICS – SP1, SP2, SP3) VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901) Tallinn Technical University Subtask 3.1 (Links to IIS/EAS, LIU, ICS – SP1, SP2, SP3) Cooperative research in the field of design for testability and test generation (TTU) Results: ATPG developed at TTU has been improved to reach very high speed of test generation (SP1 with IIS/EAS) Publications: DATE`99, ETW`99, Semicon`99 (Singapore) IDDQ ATPG development, linking to commercial design tool (SP3 with IES) DD-based diagnostic model generation from VHDL (SP2 with LIU) Publications: Kluwer Acad. Publishers Under development: ATPG based testability analysis (SP2 with LIU) Testability driven ATPG (SP2 with LIU) Under discussion (Links to WUT, Uni Stuttgart, TIMA): Investigations on the fault model quality (WUT) ATPG for functional BIST (Uni Stuttgart) Design error diagnosis in digital circuits (TIMA)
Subtask 3.2 (Links to IIS/EAS, LIU – SP1, SP2) VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901) Tallinn Technical University Subtask 3.2 (Links to IIS/EAS, LIU – SP1, SP2) Cooperative research in VLSI design for applications in digital data processing (IET) Results: Concept of integrating an ATPG into the FPGA design flow (with IIS/EAS) Publications: Joint VILAB publication (IIS/EAS & TTU) Hierarchical diagnostic model for VLSI designs Converters and model generators developed: from RT level VHDL into high-level DD-based diagnostic model from gate-level EDIF into low-level BDD-based diagnostic model Under development: ATPG for testing SW/HW codesigns (with LIU) Under discussion (Link to IET): High level test generation for IP cores
Subtask 3.3 (Links to LIU, TUD – SP2) VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901) Tallinn Technical University Subtask 3.3 (Links to LIU, TUD – SP2) Cooperative research in the field of hardware-software codesign (TUD) Results: A fast cycle-based simulator for verification hardware components of HW/SW codesigns was developed Publication: Date`99 Under development: New DD-model for diagnostic describing of behavioral descriptions of specifications for SW/HW codesign is being developed The diagnostic model will be used for developing a behavioral level ATPG and Testability Analyser for preanalysing SW/HW codesigns Publication: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Subtask 4.1 (Links to IIS/EAS,LIU, TUD – SP1, SP2) VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901) Tallinn Technical University Subtask 4.1 (Links to IIS/EAS,LIU, TUD – SP1, SP2) Cooperative research in the field of ASIC development using cores (IET) Results: Improving FPGA design flow by introduced test activities A novel FPGA design flow combined with ATPG was developed and experimented on a real FPGA circuit for telecommunication Preliminary experimental results have shown the advantages of using structural tests generated by ATPG compared to using functional test sequences created by designer Publications: Joint VILAB publication (IIS/EAS & TTU) Under development: Design error diagnosis in digital circuits (Link to: TIMA Laboratory) Under discussion: ATPG for functional BIST (Links to: Uni Stuttgart, IIS/EAS)
Subtask 4.2 (Links to IIS/EAS,LIU, TUD – SP1, SP2) VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901) Tallinn Technical University Subtask 4.2 (Links to IIS/EAS,LIU, TUD – SP1, SP2) Cooperative research in the field of HW/SW codesign developments (TUD) SP2 - Testability Driven System Design Flow Partners: TTU, LIU, TUD The main goal of the subproject is to investigate a complete SW/HW codesign flow with emphasis on testability analysis and test generation Results: For such investigations, the interface between High Level Synthesis System (its output VHDL description) and the high-level ATPG (its input Decision Diagrams) was created during the 1st project year Under development: Experimental work is to be carried out in cooperation between LIU and TTU
Subtask 5.3 (Link to TU Ilmenau) VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901) Tallinn Technical University Subtask 5.3 (Link to TU Ilmenau) Cooperative research in multimedial knowledge transfer course on “Advanced methods on Test“ (TTU) Results: Course on Design and Test has been developed The course was carried out (in cooperation with LIU) at Ericsson Telecom AB Concept for Computer Based Interactive Training in the field of "Digital Design and Test" The concept was developed in cooperation with TU Ilmenau It consists on Java applets, user's Web browser and a server, performing all computations Using the interactive teaching software, user can experiment with different methods of test pattern generation, fault simulation, design for testability, built-in self-test, and fault diagnosis Under development: Teaching software for teaching Design and Test
VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901) Tallinn Technical University Publications: VILAB joint publication: G.Elst, K-H.Diener, E.Ivask, J.Raik, R.Ubar. FPGA Design Flow with Automated Test Generation German 11th Workshop on Test Technology and Reliability of Circuits and Systems. Potsdam, 1999, pp. 120-123. Other publications: R.Ubar, J.Raik. Hierarchical Test Generation for Complex Digital Systems with Control and Data Processing Parts. SEMICON Techn. Symp., Singapur May 3-6, 1999, pp.43-64. J.Raik, R.Ubar. High-Level Path Activation Technique to Speed Up Sequential Circuit Test Generation. ETW, Constance, May 25-28, 1999, 5 p. R.Leveugle, R.Ubar. Modeling VHDL Clock-Driven Multi-Processes by Decision Diagrams. In "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems". Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. R.Ubar, A.Moraviec, J.Raik. Cycle-based Simulation with Decision Diagrams. DATE. Munich, March 9-12, 1999, pp.454-458. R.Ubar, A.Jutman. Hierarchical Design Error Diagnosis in Combinational Circuits by Stuck-at Fault Test Patterns. 6th MIXDES, Krakow, June 17-19, 1999, pp. 437-442.