Flight Safety
Flight Safety An understanding of the causes of actual and potential accidents and incidents will most likely improve a pilot’s ability to operate safely. This section will include – Analysis of accident data Discussion of prevention techniques Evaluation of weight and balance issues Review of flight safety publication resources.
Number of Soaring Accidents
Flight Safety Look at glider accidents (fatal and non-fatal) reported to the NTSB
Major Accidents Launch PT3 events Mid-air collisions Intentional vs unintentional release Mid-air collisions Glider and Towplane collide turning final Airplane collides with Towplane towing Glider Two Gliders collide during cruise flight (contest) Two Gliders collide while thermaling (contest) ‘04-1, ‘05-0, ‘06-1, ‘07-0, ‘08-2, ‘09-0, ‘10-4
Major Accidents Crashed Gliders Approach and Landing Glider crashed in mountainous terrain Glider crashed in field Approach and Landing Major thrust for the past few years
Landing Accidents Hit object on approach -- 10 Stall/spin on approach -- 1 Hit object on ground -- 3 Hard landing -- 3 Land short (undershoot) -- 0 Land long (overshoot) -- 1 LANDING ACCIDENT PERCENTAGE HAS BEEN STUBBORNLY STUCK BETWEEN 60% AND 70% OF THE TOTAL OVER THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS, WITH NO SIGN OF IMPROVEMENT. WHAT LESSONS CAN BE LEARNED FROM THIS?
Flight Safety Part 830 accident reporting requirements, needed in the event of unsuccessful prevention, will be reviewed in the FIRC unit on FARs. FLIGHT SAFETY PUBLICATIONS come in several categories – Prevention media, including hard copy handouts, issued by the FAA – contact FAA FSDO/Flight Safety Counselor for information and supplies – in process of being superseded by on-line resources. NTSB Accident and Incident Reports – www.ntsb.gov/aviation/aviation.htm. URL listed on p. 10 of ivory FIRC Supplement book.
Flight Safety Problem solving sections of gliding books like the FAA Glider Flying Handbook – section on Systems and Equipment Malfunctions is a good example. Primary Flight Control Systems – Examples of problem solving are: Aileron Malfunctions – Improper connection during assembly Failure to remove control locks Separation of gap seal tape Interference of a foreign object preventing full and free travel of stick or aileron control circuit Structural failure of aileron or damage from flutter.
Flight Safety These examples are followed by analysis and suggested action to counteract the aileron malfunction – for example roll control using secondary effects of rudder. Such an approach gives a new level of focus in student training.
Flight Safety The GFH also discusses Elevator malfunctions and possible remedies. Rudder malfunctions and possible remedies. Elevator trim malfunctions and possible remedies. Spoiler/dive brake malfunctions and possible remedies.
Flight Safety Incorrect WEIGHT AND BALANCE has been highlighted as a particular problem affecting flight safety. Despite available information in the glider (A R O W) and reminders in checklists (CB SIFT BEC), pilots are still getting it wrong Pilots need better awareness of the importance of getting the weight and balance correct. Apart from knowing how to make weight and balance calculations and to make proper use of them, a student needs to know other possible causes of imbalance situations. The FAA GFH discusses problems associated with CG forward of forward limit, and with CG aft of aft limit.
Flight Safety PREVENTION TECHNIQUES Planning ahead – if 2 crew, consider how to use SPRM SPRM generally – what are other resources on the field available to the pilot? Checks: Pilot IMSAFE - p. 12 of desert sand FIRC Supplement book. Glider Rigging (Flight Manual) Pre-Flight (Flight Manual) Critical Assembly Check (SSF) Pre-Takeoff (Flight and Operations Manuals) UNINTERRUPTED CHECKS
Scenario Based Training Landing scenario Collision avoidance scenario PT3 scenario
Flight Safety Don’t be rushed Don’t assume Structured uninterrupted preparation