Student Bulletin Week commencing Monday 9th May Pendle Vale College Student Bulletin Week commencing Monday 9th May
Changes to Serving Points in the Dining Room From today, Monday 25th April there are some changes to the HOT FOOD service in the dining room. These changes have been put in place to help reduce the queues as well as improving the quality of the food for those students in Years 9, 10 and 11 who are on second sitting. The right hand side of the HOT food counter will be serving meal deals and the left hand side will be serving hot snack meals such as paninis/wraps and jacket potatoes with a variety of fillings. There is to be a separate pasta serving point, PASTA KING, located at the bottom of the auditorium for students who want to purchase pasta for lunch. There is no change to Food to Go where cold sandwiches will continue to be served as well as the Grab Bag station. Don’t forget, that if you are having a cold sandwich at lunch time you can order a grab bag at break ready for collection at the start of lunch so no need to queue. Years 9, 10 and 11 grab bags can be collected at the Café at the front of college at the start of lunch also. Thank you to those students who complete the recent Food Survey – watch this space for further information about additions or changes to the menu.
Year 9 assembly - exam preparation and stress Form time- Year 7 EAL Intervention. Student Council stationery shop Level 4 Break time - every Monday, Wednesday and Friday . Year 9 Lancashire County Cricket match against Clitheroe at PVC at 1.30PM Cricket at lunchtime –astro turf Year 10 college drop- ins 12.25-1.10pm Monday 9 May.
at Pendle Vale College Sportshall Sessions aimed at NEW players Fun & fitness No pressure Girls like you Skills Based Just turn up Pendle’s first & only community session for beginners For more info see Miss Nicholas
Tuesday 10 May. Year 10 assembly- exam preparation and stress. Form time- Year 8 EAL intervention. Cricket at lunchtime – astroturf Year 10 Lancashire County Cricket match against Clitheroe at PVC at 1.30PM Year 7,8 ,9 &10 cricket practice after school 3.30pm-4.30pm .
Wednesday 11 May. Lunchtime choir in room 251. Wednesday 11 May. Lunchtime choir in room 251. Cricket at lunchtime- astroturf. Student Council Surgery - Level 3 every Wednesday lunchtime. Year 7 Lancashire County Cricket match against Darwen Vale ( away) Year 11 girls’ coffee club at lunchtime in 303. .
Thursday 12 May Year 11 assembly - Exam preparation and stress Form time- Year 9 EAL intervention. Cricket at lunchtime. Cricket lunchtime- astroturf. Craft club 3.30pm- 4.30 pm room 164. Rounders after school. STEM club 3.15pm-4.00pm. Training 2000 apprenticeships
Friday 13 May Year 7 assembly Form time- Year 9 EAL intervention. AGT Stretch & Challenge groups. Year 7 to be rearranged Year 9 in the drama studio Year 8 coming soon. Cricket lunchtime- astroturf Girls’ football after school.