Assemblies Date Year/House Theme Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday S1 Assembly Being Scottish Tuesday S2 Assembly Wednesday S3 Assembly Thursday S4 Assembly Friday S5/6 Assembly
Featured Focus Timekeeping and Punctuality
INTER – HOUSE Competition The scores were much closer last week with Erskine scoring 13 points, Bruce 12 points and Schaw 11 points. 1B1 and 1S2 topped the weekly co-operation list and 3B2 had the highest number of homework returns. An inter-house programme of events is being put together by House Captain and will be available shortly. We are looking forward to some good competition.
Inter -House Scores Bruce 325 Erskine 246 Schaw 250
Congratulations Well done to our Dance teams who competed in the Clackmannanshire Schools’ Dance Competition. One of our Junior small Group teams were runner-up in their section and our Seniors came second with their version of Welcome to the Circus. All girls danced really well and there was a great variety of amazing dances and wonderful costumes. Well done to all. Congratulations to Angus Young who has qualified for the Scottish Schools Swimming Final on Friday 27th January in East Kilbride. We wish him good luck for his swim.
Modern Languages Word of The Week GERMAN Schneematsch Snow is beautiful, but Schneematsch is not! This German word means "snow mud", and it defines that brown, dirty slush that seeps into your shoes when the snow melts on the streets.
Modern Languages Word of The Week FRENCH C’est la fin des haricots Literally - It’s the end of the beans Or It’s the last straw. F R E N C H
Modern Languages Word of The Week SPANISH la ambición aspiration, ambition Examples Iván tenía la ambición de ser ingeniero desde chiquito. Ivan's aspiration to be an engineer dates to childhood F R E N C H
Pupil Council The next Pupil Council meeting for the Broad General Education will take place today period 6.
NEW FOOD WASTE Bins will be available in the Social Area soon. S3 have designed stickers for the new bins. Choose your favourite bin-sticker from the following 6 entries. House Group Captains will collect your votes this week.
Entry 1 Entry 2
Entry 3 Entry 4
Entry 5 Entry 6
Careers Event A reminder that there is a Careers Event at Lornshill on Wednesday 25th January and it is open to all at Alloa Academy. Go along to find out information about career pathways from local employers, colleges and universities. Lots of great ideas including Modern Apprenticeships and job opportunities will be found there.
As part of Scottish Apprenticeship Week, GTG Training is holding an Apprentice Recruitment Open Day on Friday 10th March 2017 from 10am until 3pm. We would like to invite you to attend our showcase of Modern Apprenticeship opportunities, giving pupils an insight into careers in Mechanics, Vehicle Body Repair, Vehicle Spray Paint, Vehicle Parts, Business Administration, Customer Service, Alarm and Garage Engineering. This is a fantastic opportunity to view our leading-edge training facilities, meet current apprentices and speak with various companies that employ apprentices and find out more about what they have to offer. Our apprenticeship programmes offer people aged 16 and over a way to earn while they learn, as they work towards a recognised qualification, skilled employment and greater career prospects. Please note: This event is free of charge and targeted at people aged 16+ with National Grade 4/5, Standard Grades and Intermediates are also accepted (already achieved or currently studying at this level). To reserve your space or obtain further information please contact: Stephanie Mills Tel: 0141 950 5600