Youth CareerConnect Programs: Plans for development and implementation Presentation at the YCC Annual Grantee Meeting Washington DC July 20-21, 2016 Jeanne Bellotti • Nan Maxwell • Peter Schochet
Outline of presentation Evaluation overview YCC programs as planned Structure and partners Planned YCC service offerings Planned integrated curriculum Planned employer engagement Planned work-based learning activities Plans for individualized counseling Plans for small learning communities Plans for teacher professional development Conclusions and next steps
1. Evaluation overview
Evaluation: Three components Implementation study Grantee surveys (all grantees) Site visits PTS (all grantees) Lottery-based impact study Baseline information forms Follow-up survey Administrative data School records on all students in district
Grantee survey Fielded summer 2015 (again in spring 2017) Sent to YCC project manager Larger sites shared with other staff Questions asked about programs starting in 9th grade If no 9th grade programs, lowest grade If more than one program, one with largest student enrollment All 24 grantees completed a survey 100% overall response rate Response rate for individual questions ranged with 2-3 grantees reporting “don’t know” on some items
2. YCC programs as planned
2a. Structure and partners
Programs are likely to have wide reach Grantees 24 grantees 78 districts 133 high schools Program (largest) # of districts where YCC offered # of Grantees # of schools where YCC offered 1 district 16 1 school 6 2 districts 2 2 schools 4 More than 2 districts 5 More than 2 schools 12
YCC focuses on a wide variety of careers Career focus Percentage Health sciences 67 Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics 58 Information technology 54 Manufacturing 25 Architecture and construction 21 Transportation, distribution, and logistics 21 Agriculture, food, and natural resources 17 Arts, audiovisual technology and communications Business management and administration Finance Hospitality and tourism Law, public safety, corrections, and security Human services 13 Education and training 8 Marketing 4 Other (write-in): Automotive
Programs can draw on experience
Many YCC partners Percent of grantees with partners of this type Average number of partners per grantee, if partners Institutes of higher education 100% 3 Employers 92% 12* WIBs or AJCs 1 Support service organizations 79% 4
Many partners plan to provide resources Financial resources In-kind funding Number of grantees promised resources 16 17 If promised, percentage with resources from (multiple responses): State or local governments 88% 59% Institutes of higher education 38% Private foundations 25% 12% Employers 19%
2b. Planned YCC service offerings
Integrated curriculum
Plan to offer academic and career courses Curriculum Number Academic courses Flexibility for special needs students 20 High levels of English and math 18 Complete coursework for 2-year college or apprenticeships 16 Complete coursework for 4-year college 12 Career and technical education (CTE) courses Build technical skills 22 Prepare for H-1B career ladder 21 Distinctive career theme Build knowledge of a variety of careers Lead to employer-recognized certification
Plan for standards and curriculum integration Number Standards and assessments Workplace skills incorporated and assessed 23 Academics aligned to career and college-ready standards 22 Course materials based on industry standards Competency-based assessments offered 20 Assessments reflect career practices 16 Curriculum integration Courses and professions related Career-focused classes taught academic skills Project-based learning used 21 Projects applied skills from several courses 18 Academic courses used career examples 17 Capstone course synthesizes knowledge 7
Plan to offer academic supports
Plan for access to post-secondary education
Employer engagement
Plan to engage employers in program design
Plan to engage in workforce preparation
Work-based learning activities
Plan to teach many workplace skills Students will be taught… Number Workplace behavioral expectations Attendance 22 Punctuality Appropriate dress Workplace culture and communication Effective verbal and non-verbal communication Direction, feedback, and constructive criticism 20 Workplace culture and policy Requirements for career pathways 19 Workplace performance expectations Positive and productive teamwork 21 Full participation in tasks Work quality standards Workplace problem-solving 18 Technical skills Career-specific skills Technological skills
Plan to provide and assess training
Plan many work-based learning opportunities
Individualized counseling
Plan to offer individualized counseling Type of counseling Number providing Number providing more than once per year Supporting special populations 22 10 Educational and career goal planning 9 Identifying educational and career goals 5
Plan both academic and career counseling Academic counseling only Career counseling only Both academic & career counseling Programs with counselors doing… 50% 58% 63% In programs providing these counselors: Student-to-counselor ratio 257 124 217 Counselors working only with YCC 42% 77% 20%
Small learning communities (SLC)
Plan SLC for both students and teachers For students: For teachers:
Teacher professional development
Plan industry-based professional development
Conclusions and next steps
Conclusion: Plans for program follow model Programs plan to Offer integrated academic and career courses and curriculum, designed to standards Expand academic supports and preparation for post- secondary Engage employers, although more heavily in “low effort” ways Teach workplace skills Expand work-based learning activities Provide individualized counseling Build small learning communities for students and teachers Provide professional development for teachers Most of these services are not generally available
Next steps Interim report Future analysis Information from this grantee survey and PTS from all sites Information from site visits and student/parent baseline surveys from some sites Early 2017 Future analysis Compare plans in 2015 grantee survey with implementation described in 2017 grantee survey
For More Information U.S. Department of Labor Evaluation Team Molly Irwin: Gloria Salas-Kos: Evaluation Team Jeanne Bellotti: Nan Maxwell: Peter Schochet: