The Responsible Use of Alcohol
Alcohol Use Patterns 49% of Americans abstain from alcohol use 22% are considered “light” drinkers 29% are considered “risky” drinkers
Alcohol is responsible for more than 70,000 deaths per year among Americans Through automobile crashes and other injuries alcohol is the leading cause of death among young people ages 15-24
UWG Statistics from 2008 77% of the students consumed alcohol in the past year 62% in the past 30 days 58% under age 21 in the past 30 days 38% reported binge drinking in previous two weeks 93% believe the average student uses alcohol once a week or more
So . . . Not everyone is a drunk! Reality is 62% of UWG students are not binge drinking every Thursday night! 38% haven’t even drunk in the past 30 days!
90% view drinking as central to fraternity life 85% view drinking as central to sorority life
Binge Drinking A common form of alcohol abuse on college campuses Defined as having 5 or more drinks in a row for men, 4 or more for women on at least one occasion in the last two weeks See Figure 10-4 on Binge Drinking See Table 10-2 on drinking behaviors from alcohol use See the Box: In the News See the Box: “College Binge Drinking”
Binge Drinking Kills dozens of college students each year in this country Fast, heavy drinking can easily raise BAC levels quickly, leading to unconsciousness and death
Recent National Report on College Binge Drinking 44% of college aged students reported binge drinking 44% also reported alcohol abuse as the largest problem on college campuses 1,700 alcohol related deaths in 2001
Recent National Report on College Binge Drinking College aged students reported 696,000 assaults 599,000 injuries 97,000 sexual assaults/date rapes
So . . . What exactly is a “drink”?
Problem??? One solo cup of “hunch punch” is NOT one drink! In reality it could contain enough alcohol to equal 5-6 drinks!
Nature of Alcoholic Beverages Consumable form of alcohol – ethyl Fermentation: process where sugars are converted into alcohol by yeast Proof: alcohol concentration that is twice the percentage concentration: 100 proof=50% alcohol Alcohol is a depressant!
Nature of Alcoholic Beverages Beer = 3-6% Table wine = 9-14% Fortified wine = 20% Hard liquors = 35-50% Alcohol provides 7 calories per gram 1 beer = 150 calories
Factors that Affect Alcohol Absorption and Blood Alcohol Concentration Levels Strength of beverage Number of drinks consumed Speed of consumption Carbonation of the beverage Presence of food Body weight Body fat percentage Gender
Metabolism and Excretion Once alcohol reaches the stomach 20% is absorbed into the bloodstream 75% is absorbed through the upper part of the small intestine The liver is the main site for alcohol metabolism 2-10% of ingested alcohol is not metabolized by the liver or other tissues, it is excreted by the lungs, kidneys, and sweat glands unchanged See Box: Dimensions of Diversity See Box: “Metabolizing Alcohol: Our Bodies Work Differently”
Blood Alcohol Concentration Percentage of alcohol in a measured amount of blood Measured from exhaled breath or blood sample Depends upon the balance between the rate of alcohol absorption and the rate of alcohol metabolism See Table 10-1 on Blood Alcohol Concentration factors
The Immediate Effects of Alcohol relaxation and jovial At .10% physical impairment At .20% uncontrollable movement At .35% coma and possible death Legal limit is .08% for DUI See Table 10-1 on the effects of Blood Alcohol Concentration of the person consuming alcohol
UWG Student Perceptions of Effects of Alcohol 69% breaks the ice 69% enhances social activity 63% gives people something to talk about 71% gives people something to do 60% allows people to have more fun 54% facilitates connection with peers 48% facilitates male bonding 47% facilitates sexual opportunity
41% facilitates female bonding 40% easier to deal with stress 28% makes women sexier 17% makes men sexier 16% makes food taste better 24% thought a sexual partner was not attractive because he/she was drunk 33% reported some form of public misconduct at least once during the past year as a result of drinking
Alcohol Hangover vs. Alcohol Poisoning is probably due to a combination of toxic products of alcohol breakdown, dehydration, and hormonal effects Symptoms Headaches, Fatigue, Impaired mental functioning Alcohol poisoning is consuming large amounts of alcohol in a short amount of time, raising BAC to dangerous levels which could result in death due to: CNS depression Respiratory failure Pulmonary edema See Box: “Dealing with an Alcohol Emergency” See Box: Take Charge
Warning signs of Alcohol Poisoning Person cannot be roused (unconscious) Vomiting Seizures Slow breathing (fewer than 8 breaths per minute) Irregular breathing (10 seconds or more between breaths) Hypothermia (low body temperature), bluish skin color or paleness Self defecation
Other Dangerous Alcohol Use Combination Using Alcohol with Other Drugs Impaired judgment from Alcohol leading to: Injuries, Violence, Suicide Alcohol and Sexual Decision-making Unplanned sexual activity, STD’s, Accidental pregnancies Drinking and Driving Dose-response function See Figure 10-1 on alcohol fatalities See Figure 10-2 on BAC levels per individuals
The Effects of Chronic Use See Figure 10-3 on problems associated with chronic use of alcohol
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Fetus is exposed to alcohol in a slower manner than an adult via the placenta Damage results in mental retardation low birth weight, facial abnormalities, widely spaced eyes, and a much smaller head. Full expression rate: 1-2 out of 1000 births
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome:
Alcohol Abuse and Dependence recurrent use that has negative consequences that result in personal forms of difficulties Alcohol Dependence (Alcoholism) is a result of needing alcohol on a regular basis to function, involving physical tolerance and withdrawal symptoms
Problem Drinking and Alcoholism alcohol pattern where the behavior creates personal difficulties or difficulties for others Co-dependence relationships that support an alcoholic
Health Effects of Alcoholism Withdrawal symptoms can be acute (shakes or jitters) to more severe i.e. seizures, delirium tremens (DTs) Alcoholism takes a heavy physical toll upon the body’s organs and tissues as well as causing psychological problems Socially, it is a serious problem to families and friends Economically, it effects employment and healthcare costs See Box: In Focus See Box: “Children of Alcoholics”
Causes of Alcoholism The precise causes are unknown, however the following factors are probably involved: Genetics Personality Social factors Environment Family structure
Treatment for Alcoholism Rehab centers Hospitals Medication Counseling Support groups
Alcoholism: Gender & Ethnicity Among White American men drinking starts in the teenage years and progresses into late adulthood Women tend to become alcoholics much later In their 40’s or 50’s African-Americans tend to have more health related problems with alcohol use Latino men Have the following common elements: drunk driving and cirrhosis American Indians and Alaskans tend to abuse alcohol early in life See Table 10-3 on “Ethnic Groups”
Alcohol Website Resources Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters Alcoholics Anonymous Alcohol Treatment Referral Hotline 800-ALCOHOL The College Alcohol Study College Drinking Prevention The Gordie Foundation with video clip HAZE