Ending Family Homelessness Spokane, Washington Community, Housing, & Human Services City of Spokane Jonathan Mallahan January 2017
Spokane Highlights Second largest city in Washington State Population of approx. 213,000 in City limits, combined statistical area approx. 698,000 Current vacancy rate is below 1% 2016 PIT Count: 981 persons (2011: 1272 Persons)
Family System 2012
Family Households Between 2009-2012 Spokane saw a 3% decrease in homeless family households based on PIT data
Family System 2012 System Overview: Strong projects operating in silo’s No coordinated access or referral Minimal permanent intervention options No prioritization Project based waitlists Change Based Engagement: Community driven discussions and planning State based mandates on coordinated entry require implementation
2012 - After Coordinated Entry
Post-Coordinated Entry System Overview: Accessible and coordinated entry points Alignment of system capacity and identified needs Reallocated two TH projects to RRH projects Full implementation of progressive engagement Integrated RRH strategies in temporary housing Change Based Engagement: Redirected resources to what’s working, which meant sacrificing what wasn’t working as well Increased engagement and utilization regarding HMIS – added an average of 31 user per year Leaned in to hard conversations for ultimate client benefit
Housing by Project Type
Housing Bed Type
Self-Directed Referrals by Type
Family PIT Data Between 2013 – 2016 Spokane saw a 33% decline in homeless family households based on PIT data
Keys to Success Re-tooling your homeless system doesn’t require a huge infusion of additional funds Utilize data and increase participation in HMIS Create accessible and coordinated entry points Be prepared to have difficult conversations and address concerns Don’t wait until you figure it all out to start moving forward City of Spokane Community, Housing, & Human Services Dawn Kinder, Director dkinder@spokanecity.org