Northeast/Caribbean AETC Practice Transformation Project Presentation for NCRC PTP Learning Community July 28, 2016
Project Transformation Year 1 Activities Learn about PT Engage PTP Sites Assess PTP Sites Plan Development
Learn about PT Review HRSA guidance Coaches trained Complete on line course Complete preceptorship Develop/Implement NECA AETC PT internal community of practice Participate in National Community of Learning
Engage PTP Site Preliminary conversations with site about PTP- expectations Meetings, outreach, assessments Identify Key people- liaison Share list of previous trainings conducted
Assess PTP Site The NECA AETC regional assessment The National PTP instrument Oral/Behavioral Health Assessments Other tools relevant to topics identified
Plan Analyze the data from needs assessments Present and discuss results with site Identify key goals to work on Identify training resources/methods Formalize training plan
Northeast/Caribbean AETC & North Jersey Community Research Initiative: Practice Transformation Project Corey DeStefano, Director of Clinical Services, NJCRI Jennifer McGee-Avila, MPH, CHES
North Jersey Community Research Initiative (NJCRI) History - 1988 Clinical Trial site Mission - To empower our clients by reducing social and health disparities in the greater Newark area One of the first AIDS service organizations to provide medical care to those with HIV Currently operates over 25 different grant-funded programs History – community based organization that began offering clinical trials in 1988. Prior to that, those with HIV/AIDs had to travel to New York to participate in any clinical trials.
Entire Clinic Population % HIV Clinic Population % Client Population Entire Clinic Population % HIV Clinic Population % Below 25 years of age 28% Racial/ethnic minorities (non-White and non-Hispanic) 92% 95% Men who have sex with men (MSM) 52% 48.21% Women 23% 50% Transwomen (MTF) 1% Men 76% 49% Transmen (FTM) <1% Homeless/unstably housed No data at this time ** Based on 4/29/16 Needs Assessment
Services Offered Primary Medical Care/OBGYN/Infectious Disease/Podiatry/Dental Substance Abuse Services Mental Health/Psychiatric HIV, Hepatitis and STI Counseling/Screenings LGBTQ Services/Youth Center Food Pantry Health Education/Support Groups Clinical Trials Homeless Drop-in Center Medical Case Management Community Outreach Treatment Adherence Behavioral Health studies Prison Discharge Services Syringe exchange program Transportation On-Site Pharmacy Laundry/Shower facilities Clothing pantry PrEP/PEP
Practice Transformation Project Assessment Phase Practice Transformation Project
Initial Assessment Build rapport Obtain buy-in for the project Meet with clinic staff Complete of the Regional Needs Assessment Develop mutual goals Complete the National PTP Needs Assessment
Mutually agreed upon, achievable goals.
PTP Needs Assessment Lessons Learned Aggregate data sections can be completed before the meeting If more than one person performing the assessment clarify the roles of the assessors Review definitions before beginning Staff roles i.e. clinical support staff versus non-clinical support staff Levels of capacity Aggregate data and performance measures worksheet and the first page of the PTP assessment
Practice Facilitation Goals How did we get here? Practice Facilitation Goals
Practice Transformation Project Goals NECA AETC Regional Needs Assessment Goals Viral Suppression EMR transition with indicators captured Oral screenings/ Vaccination input into EMR (as well as refusals) National AETC Needs Assessment Goals Increase the capacity of EMR reminders related screenings, vaccinations Increase the internal capacity to query/extract data from EMR Increase capacity to create customized reports within EMR Identify point people for EMR mastery 2 people identified Robust system but unable to gain information needed, EMR has the ability to text and email reminders.
Goals for the FY 16-17’ Upcoming work plan
Work Plan 2016-2017 Summer 2016 Working with FXB Quality Team on EMR Templates, PDSA 6/21/16 Grant remote access to EMR Distribute Behavioral and Dental Assessment when finalized Fall 2016 Host Official “Kick Off Meeting” Schedule Advanced MD Training from vendor Continue to work with Quality Team on EMR Templates Spring 2017 Reassess baseline data collected Continual Advanced MD Training from vendor Begin regularly scheduled meetings with IT team Summer 2017 Ability to generate reports with learned EMR functionality Decide on a targeted intervention project using EMR data reports Continued Advanced MD Training (as needed)