Words of the Wiser Signpost #4
Words from the Wiser Stop and Notice and Note When you’re reading and a character (who’s probably older and lots wiser) takes the main character aside and gives serious advice, You should stop and ask yourself: “What’s the life lesson, and how might it affect the character? Whatever the lesson is, you’ve probably found a theme for the story. Words from the Wiser
Words of the Wiser Has your mom or dad ever said anything like: Always tell the truth. Authors are, in some ways, like a mom or dad. They include scenes in which wise words are shared. This advice is probably a life lesson, and if I pay attention to it, I’ll see an important idea the author wants me to think about.
What advice or insight did the wiser character share? How do you think this will affect the character who received the advice?
Example #1 The Lion King: Morning
Example #2 The Lion King: Night
Example #3 Madagascar
Example #4 Pinocchio
Example #5 The Jungle Book
Example #6 Yoda
Example #7 Rudy
Example #8 Soar Sometimes people come along to help you help yourself accomplish your dreams by helping them accomplish theirs....very nice moral._