Mauro Mallone Dipartimento Reti Nazionali e Internazionali ITALIAN NETWORK FOR INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER TO SMEs IPI – Institute for Industrial Promotion Direction for Transfer of Knowledge and Innovation Vincenzo Zezza Roma - September 29, 2004
Agenda Objectives Target (the “Italian Innovation System”) Key Actions Resources
Mauro Mallone Dipartimento Reti Nazionali e Internazionali Objectives Promoted by the Italian Ministry of Productive Activities and managed by IPI, for: promoting knowledge sharing on methods, good practices and resources on innovation and technology transfer encouraging the marketing of services for innovation and technology transfer to enterprises strengthening the existing innovation networks and encouraging the creation of new ones on an interregional, sectoral and technological basis facilitating access to financial resources for the creation, extension and development of innovation networks supporting the internationalisation of innovation centres and their associate companies, also through the INSME Association
Mauro Mallone Dipartimento Reti Nazionali e Internazionali Target Policy Makers European commission Ministry of Prod. Activities Ministry of Research Techn. Innovation Dept. Regions Other local authorities Research system Universities Public research centres Private research centres Entrepreneurial associations Enterpises supporting bodies Chambers of commerce Enterprises Funding system Banks Venture Capitalists Business Angels Innovation Centres Science Parks BICs Dedicated service centres Agencies by CNR, ENEA, etc.
Mauro Mallone Dipartimento Reti Nazionali e Internazionali The Italian Innovation System 77 Universities and some other academic institutions spread all over the country Several public research insitutions : CNR, ENEA, INFN, ASI, IIT Private research centres (ENI, FIAT, Telecom Italia, ENEL, Pirelli, Finmeccanica, STM, Bracco, ecc.) 8 Industrial Experimental Stations (oil & fat, food, leather, citrus oil, fuels, paper, silk, glass) 44 Science & Technology Parks 30 Business Innovation Centres A lot of service centres born inside the industrial districts system (~250.000 SMEs) 7 technological meta-districts (Torino Wireless, Veneto Nanotech, Lombardia Biotech, Emilia Romagna Hi-Mech, Lazio Aerospace, Campania Compound Materials, Sicilia Microelectornics and ICT) 103 Chambers of Commerce, and their specialised agencies 4 main entrepreneurial association (Confindustria, CONFAPI, Confartigianato, CNA) … to be networked
Mauro Mallone Dipartimento Reti Nazionali e Internazionali Key Actions Information Services RIDITT Internet portal Competences and Technologies Scouting Financial resources for innovation and technology transfer International, national and local best practices on innovation Knowledge sharing: literature, tenders and calls, projects, etc.
Mauro Mallone Dipartimento Reti Nazionali e Internazionali Key Actions Technical assistance and training Establishing of networks (with opportunities for grants) for the match-making between new technologies demand and offer (new networks launched in the Shoe industry, in the Textile industry, on Biotechnologies, …) Seminars, courses and workshops (Marketing of innovation services, Innovation finance, Exploitation of R&D results, …) Innovation and technology transfer pilot project management (advanced sensors for the food industry, product ecolabeling for the ceramic industry, …)
Mauro Mallone Dipartimento Reti Nazionali e Internazionali The RIDITT Portal act as an information hub for existing networks and as the main infrastructure to foster the „innovation“ practice community RIDITT PORTAL Resources for Innovation Catalogues Services Financing Information Innovation centres Networks Services Industrial specialisation Technological specialisation Partner search Training Technical ass. Knowledge Sharing Area Public incentives Private Library News Event diary RIDITTnews
Mauro Mallone Dipartimento Reti Nazionali e Internazionali Resources The IPI’s RIDITT team is supported by an Expert Committee made up of representatives from: Ministry of Productive Activities Ministry of Education, University and Research Department for Innovation and Technology (Presidency of the Council of Ministers) Italian National Committee for for Bio-safety and Biotechnology CNR (Italian National Research Council) ENEA (Italian national Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment) AIRI – Italian Association for Industrial Research APSTI – Italian Association of Science and Technology Parks BIC Italia Net – Association of Italian Business Innovation Centres AIFI – Italian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association IBAN – Italian Business Angels Network Unioncamere (Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce) Confindustria (General Confederation of Italian Industry) CNA – National Confederation for the Craft Sector and SMEs Confapi – Italian Confederation of Small and Medium sized Industry Confartigianato - General Confederation of Italian Artisans
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