The HLG and the “New World Order” Steven Vale UNECE
UNECE – Economic Commission for Europe
Introducing the HLG High-level Group for the Modernisation of Statistical Production and Services Created by the Conference of European Statisticians in 2010 Vision and strategy endorsed by CES in 2011/2012
Who are the HLG members? Pádraig Dalton (Ireland) - Chairman Trevor Sutton (Australia) Wayne Smith (Canada) Emanuele Baldacci (Italy) Bert Kroese (Netherlands) Park, Hyungsoo (Republic of Korea) Genovefa Ružić (Slovenia) Walter Radermacher (Eurostat) Martine Durand (OECD) Lidia Bratanova (UNECE)
What does the HLG do? Oversees activities that support modernisation of statistical organisations Stimulates development of global standards and international collaboration activities “Within the official statistics community ... take a leadership and coordination role” Quotes from the Terms of Reference of the HLG
Why is the HLG needed? Before the HLG Now Many expert groups Clear vision Little coordination Agreed priorities No overall strategy Strategic leadership Limited impact Real progress
What has the HLG achieved? 2012 2013 Generic Statistical Information Model 2013 Common Statistical Production Architecture Frameworks and Standards for Statistical Modernisation 2014 - Work in Progress Implementation of the Common Statistical Production Architecture Big Data in Official Statistics These projects are chosen based on feedback from the CES and an annual workshop with representatives of around 25 international expert groups. I will give a short summary of what as achieved in 2013, and what is currently in progress.
HLG Activities – Engagement Map
Governance MSIS
Why change? MSIS and previous groups have been around for many years Some successes, but many issues remain the same Have we reached our limit? Could a different approach accelerate progress? These projects are chosen based on feedback from the CES and an annual workshop with representatives of around 25 international expert groups. I will give a short summary of what as achieved in 2013, and what is currently in progress.
Some ideas Silos – not just for subject matter people? Bring together: IT Methodology Information architects Data scientists .... Multi-disciplinary approach to problem solving within organisations These projects are chosen based on feedback from the CES and an annual workshop with representatives of around 25 international expert groups. I will give a short summary of what as achieved in 2013, and what is currently in progress.
So why keep silos for international meetings So why keep silos for international meetings? What sort of event would have the most value for your organisation?
Future work Connecting methods and IT disciplines Let's automate! (Man x Machine = product) Using technology push to our advantage Connecting to "outside world"