Newsletter Number 14 Friday 10th June Sport Assessment Skipping Day We thoroughly enjoyed our skipping day in school before half term and all the children got chance to learn new skills with a skipping rope. We had a good show of talent in the afternoon where we watched each others performances. Year 5 / 6 residential Year 5 & 6 thoroughly enjoyed their weeks residential at Winmarleigh Hall. A whole range of activities were undertaken including raft building, abseiling, giant swing, archery & quad biking. A great time was had by all and most came home exhausted but happy with a bag full of dirty and wet washing! Sport There are lots of sporting activities happening this term including football, cricket & tennis. Well done to all those children taking part and we are grateful to all who give up time voluntarily to coach and support our children. We have coaches coming into school during the day too and this really helps in skill development and practice. Assessment Our Year 2 and Year 6 children have now completed their statutory assessment tests (SAT’s) and we are extremely proud of the effort they put in. All children will be assessed this term in preparation for moving classes and this information will be shared amongst teachers to ensure smooth transition. Wood If anyone has any pieces of wood , plywood etc (large ones, planks etc) that they don’t need please let us know as we have a couple of projects going on that we could use the wood for. Dates – reminder 17th June – French Day 11th July – Class 1 & 2 trip 13th July – afternoon performance of Class 3 & 4 plays 14th July – evening performance of Class 3 & 4 plays 20th July – School walk 22nd July – end of term school closes at 1.30pm Auction of promises If anyone has not sent in a ‘promise’ and would like to do so please see Mrs Huddart. Thanks Questionnaires Please find with this newsletter a questionnaire. I thought it timely as my first year at Dean is nearly complete and to think about future development and improvement I would welcome your opinions and thoughts. Please return to school by Friday 1st July if possible. Thanks Reports Reports will be sent home in early July with teachers comments on progress through the year. Sports Day Reminder Sports day will be held on Wednesday 15th June. Parents are invited to watch the afternoon events and proceedings will start at 1pm. It would be really helpful if parents could bring garden chair / rug, if you have any suitable, as timings are tight getting through lunch and setting up for the afternoon. Thanks Use of photographs Parents are welcome to take photographs at sports day of their children but can I ask that photographs are used for your own purposes only. There is much debate at the moment about the use of ‘Facebook’ and I would ask that photographs taken are used sensitively. Thanks