Welcome to P.E. Class at Red Hook High School Raiders Fit for Life Ready for Action Intelligently Developing Exercise and Eating Excellence Resulting in Self-Enhancement Embracing PE4Life
Meet the Raider Staff Mr. Fredericks – 13th year PE (RHHS + LAMS) Mrs. Giorgio – 16th year PE & Health Mr. Walker – 4th year PE (1st year RHHS + 3 MRS) Mrs. Murray – 16th year PE(11th year RHHS + 5 MRS) Mr. Caltabiano – 11th year (RHHS & LAMS)
Curriculum NYS Standard 1 – Personal Health & Fitness Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health. Students will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. They will attain competency in a variety of physical activities and proficiency in a few select complex motor and sport activities. Students will design personal fitness programs to improve cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and body composition.
Curriculum NYS Standard 2 – A Safe and Healthy Environment Students will acquire knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment. Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while engaged in physical activity. They will understand that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and communication. Students will be able to identify safety hazards and react effectively to ensure a safe and positive experience for all participants.
Curriculum NYS Standard 3 – Resource Management Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources. Students will be aware of and be able to access opportunities available to them within their community to engage in physical activity. They will be informed consumers and be able to evaluate facilities and programs. Students will also be aware of some career options in the field of physical fitness and sports.
Grading Students P.E. grade will be part of their cumulative average, weighted as a .5 credit class for the year. P.E. meets every other day the entire year. Grades are based on the following: 40% Skill Performance & Improvement 20% Responsibility & Effort 20% Attitude & Cooperation 20% Knowledge Content – assignments/quizzes
Attendance Card
Policies & Reminders Jewelry – doctor’s note required Ear Buds/Phones All course outlines signed by parents Locks Absences must be made up in 2 weeks Cut classes are minus 10 points for the day and minus 10 points off their marking period grade. Unprepared 1,2,3 – you are out – BLC/Referral
Building our Classroom Culture Respect each other and individual differences Volunteer to help lead in warmups or in a team situation Help others understand the game/activity Keep communication positive Be a role model for others Understand we all have things going on – be present for class and be present for others that may need you We own the atmosphere that we create for one another How can I be better? There is always room for improvement Be proud but also be modest – RHHS is in the top 10% of NYS high schools for Grades on state tests “If you don’t ask questions you allow other people to think for you” – Matt MacDonald Balance the Social/Emotional With Academics’
Fitnessgram Assessments (October & April)
Higher Academic Achievement is linked to Higher Fitness Levels California Department of Education Study December 10, 2002 Fitnessgram measures 6 standards Mile run, body composition
(Before Expansion in Dec 2009) RHHS Wellness Center (Before Expansion in Dec 2009)
The RHHS Wellness Center Before and After Photos RHHS Wellness Center opened Dec 2009, is available daily after school for students 2:15-3:30pm Late bus passes given
Wellness Center at RHHS 3rd Year of Grant (960 sq. ft Wellness Center at RHHS 3rd Year of Grant (960 sq. ft.) Jan 2010 reopened
Mountain Biking Unit Students learn bike and road safety, care and maintenance of biking and several 3 mile routes within the village of Red Hook. There are always a few in every bunch who will do anything for attention!
Outdoor Challenge Course RHHS
Climbing Unit
Swing Dance at RHHS
Group Exercise at RHHS Students participate in a variety of group exercise classes such as Pilates, Yoga, Kickboxing and Exerdance. Trikkes are a new option in PE during some units.
Rollerblading & Roller Hockey
Outdoor PE Warm ups on the track are a regular part of good weather PE days. Traditional softball is still enjoyed on some days.
Basketball Unit Students playing “Knock-Out” one of their favorite warm up games, then do 3v3 and 5v5.
Fitness is part of every day not just a unit
Indoor Soccer ( 4 Way Soccer)
Indoor Games
Tennis Unit
Cross Country Skiing
Archery Unit
Red Hook High School PE We are dedicated to helping your child become more educated in health, fitness, nutrition and aware of choices in lifetime physical activities. Please encourage your child to eat healthy, stay active and get enough sleep! They need you to be a role model for them! Thank you for attending our Open House.