Interface requirements needed for CDRs, but… What is the workflow? Workflow for ACC internal L4/L5 interface requirements: Decide with the person your system is interfacing with, where the interface requirements get written (your spreadsheet or the one related to the other side of the interface) Write the interface requirements Once written (e.g. in the interface spreadsheets prepared for this purpose in DROPBOX), get agreement on interface requirements with the person responsible for the system your system is interfacing with Once such agreement has been obtained, send an email to the SE (with the person the system is interfacing with and the LE for the relevant section, if applicable, on cc:) explaining where the SE can find the agreed set (the set needs to be in the Excel format of the interface requirements template on DROPBOX) SE will then upload them to the "ACC-ACC" interface requirements in DOORS and will notify you that the set has been uploaded For the initial upload, TBDs in the requirement text are ok; in that sense those would be ready for upload to DOORS. The integration team is preparing an optional alternative workflow with Jira as starting point 11-Mar-2015
Locations of interface requirements spreadsheets Ultimately all requirements will be in DOORS and only in DOORS ACC internal L4/L5 interface requirements on DROPBOX: Dropbox/LeadEngineers/Requirements/INTERFACES/L4/ ACC-ICS, ACC-TS, ACC-NSS on sharedrive: smb:// Directorate/Accelerator division/Public Read Write/Requirements Engineering/Interfaces/ ACC-SI/CF in DOORS: DOORS ACC-SI module under 00_ACC Interface Requirements 11-Mar-2015
Interface requirement example: magnet cooling water interlock to PS The magnet shall be protected from overheating by a clixon mounted on the magnet cooling, whereby the clixon is interlocked with the Magnet Power Supply (PS). The connection on the PS supply serves as interface, with a LEMO 00 chassis connector on the PS side and a LEMO 00 cable connector on the magnet side of this interface Interface itself is defined (interlock) Interface location is defined (on PS) Interface type is defined (LEMO 00 connectors) Cable owner is implicitly defined For more complicated interfaces, one can refer in the requirement statement to a document describing the interface Other interface requirements will be needed here to describe the signal type and the action (switching to off or standby of PS) 21-May-2015
Aspects related to Interface Requirements Interface requirements need to be looked at in the broader sense of the term, e.g. Space (the Cryo Distribution Systems have an interface with DTL!) Mechanical Electrical (Electrical Safety) (Radiation Safety) ….. 4-Feb-2015
Deleting requirements in DOORS Suggest to use the following process for deleting requirements in DOORS: Select the requirement to be deleted, open its discussion thread and create a new comment with as Summary: “To be deleted” and as Comment the reason why you are deleting the requirement Delete the requirement Note that in DOORS speak, Deleted means the requirement ends up in the “Recycle Bin” or “Trash”, whereas Purge means the requirement gets removed from the “Recycle Bin” or “Trash” In the thin client one can only use Delete 27-May-2015