Welcome to the Oakland County Science Council Say More September 28, 2016 What’s your evidence for that?
AGENDA Welcome and Introductions Engage: Consider how changes in assessment drive changes in instruction Tamara Smolek – plans for assessment from MDE Where are you now? How will you Share?
Whole group discussion.(3 min) Individually, “Notice and Note” for your assigned example science assessment. (4 min) Discuss with your tablemates: What are the implications for instruction if these assessments depict the kinds of proficiencies students should gain from their science classes? (7 min) Whole group discussion.(3 min) (14 min)
Welcome to Oakland County T.J. Smolek on MDE Welcome to Oakland County
Where are you now in your district?
UPDATES OS Reorg OS Website: Science Council, Videos, NGSS, PD Elementary Curriculum efforts Oakland Science Strategy Team MiSciPlan – PD on NGSS structure and instruction NGSx – PD on NGSS Vision Modeling Instruction – new grant!
How will your share insights back in your district?
Welcome to the Oakland County Science Council (where your opinion matters!) December 8, 2016
Introduction & Connector
Agenda Welcome – Connector! Evaluating and adapting existing activities Information and Updates OSST Workgroup OS Updates Other great opportunities Adjourn
A Process for Evaluating and Adapting Science Tasks How might you continue use current activities/lessons as you transition to the MSS? Analyze an Activity Evaluate and Modify Analyze a Topic Bundle
Oakland Science Strategy Team (3 meetings so far this fall) Assessment Workgroup Focus: building a program to develop a shared Item Cluster bank NOTE: nearly all districts have had at least one HS teacher trained in Item Cluster writing Course Sequence Workgroup Focus: Enhancing resources to support decision making / determining a model sequence for new OS science units Resource Analysis and Evaluation Workgroup Focus: Monitor product readiness and enact evaluation process of newly aligned instructional resources Professional Learning on 3D Focus: Expand opportunities for teachers to understand the NGSS structure and vision, and to shift instruction and assessment
OS Updates Item Cluster Development Professional Development (14 clusters by 25 teachers from 22 districts) Sample Professional Development NGSX Modeling (http://www.mimodelinginstruction.org/) New: Feb 16 – Moving from Awareness to Transitioning to the MSS New: April 24-25: Creating and Adapting Curriculum Aligned to the MSS (Audience: NGSX attendees) Summer Professional Learning - stay tuned! Curriculum Development
Projected Timeline for Elementary Curriculum Fully Aligned to the MSS Available now June 2017 June 2018 June 2019 K-3 Science Units aligned to the GLCEs – but include an Engineering Design Task and Common Core Write Tasks. Include Lesson Packets - 5E Instructional Model 4-5 Science Units aligned to the GLCEs NEW 4-5 Science Units aligned to the MSS (Partnership with Phenomenal Science) NEW 3rd grade Science Units aligned to the MSS (Partnership with Phenomenal Science) NEW K-2 Science Units aligned to the MSS -This timelines is truly a projection. The partnership with Phenomenal Sci is first with 4th and 5th grade, moving into 3rd grade during 2017-18. We will continue to review the Phen. Sci curriculum to determine the process for revising K-2 units to be fully aligned to the MSS. This COULD be by using the Phen. Sci units, or not.
Information and Updates STEM-Talk (like a TED Talk)- Jan 19, 2017 NGSS Storylines – piloting opportunities New AP Computer Science course – free training MiSTAR Academy – PL on NGSS Start up funds for engineering (EIE, PLTW)
(it’s a ‘be there or be square’ moment) A TED Talk Event focused on STEM Education! Wayne RESA! Notable contributors like Brian Reiser and Joe Krajcik Many Michigan teachers and leaders Sign up NOW to attend! (it’s a ‘be there or be square’ moment)
NGSS Storylines http://www.nextgenstorylines.org/ An ongoing resource development effort at NW University (B. Reiser) Piloting opportunity through Genesee ISD. (ES-LS, MS-sound, HS-ps, bio) Interested? Contact Mike Gallagher at OS
Free Training to Provide AP CSP CODE.org is partnering with the MMSCN to recruit 60 teachers for free training. Administration must prove a course is ON THE BOOKS for 2017-18. Details and application process is SOON to come. Complete survey of interest to get updated information http://micoding.weebly.com/
The grant will provide local schools with the following: Resources for teaching AP CSP in the fall of 2017 A Sample AP CSP Course Audit Professional Learning for 60 teachers throughout Michigan at no cost (Stipends for teachers are not included.) A curriculum from Code.org for the AP CSP Course Schools interested in taking advantage of this opportunity will be expected to have an AP CSP course on their school schedule for Fall, 2017. www.micoding.weebly.com
MiSTAR Academy http://mi-star.mtu.edu/mi-star-academy/ Inexpensive online NGSS PD Designed at MTU Math-Science Center Seven modules Only $25 per module
On Your Radar! MiSTEM Council has awarded $250,000 to two new programs for which teachers/districts can apply to participate. Elementary Engineering is Elementary (EiE) Under development, application and details expected early 2017 Elem, MS, High Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Long-term commitment implications