How to Establish Your Brand Effectively and Confidently by Mark Zmarzly
Agenda: M.A.G.I.C. Things I told the AMA I’d cover:
Actual Agenda: C.I.M.A.G. The order I will actually cover them in: Contributing: You can’t wait…you have to do something Intelligence: The ability to know yourself, what you want, and what makes a great life! Marketing: Letting others know about the items above! Hit the Tipping Point – from push to pull Attention to others: listen, look for, and create ways to assist others Give, give, give: The lather, rinse, repeat of networking!
Disclaimers: So you can’t sue me later: I didn’t originally set out to brand myself as a banking consultant. Much of what set me on this track was serendipitous. A lot of what I have learned has come from books, others, + test and learn…but it has worked for me. 39% of effective branding is showing up! Another 40% is saying “yes” The last 41% is working your ass off! 2% is being good a math!
What is Personal Branding? Source: It’s the process by which you differentiate yourself from others. Involves bringing your unique value proposition to life online and in person
What is the Goal of Personal Branding? To be recognized as an expert in your field, establish credibility, advance your career, and build self confidence. For others to be drawn in by you so they will want to invest in you: job, opportunity, capital, attention, or time.
What’s the need for Personal Branding? Career paths aren’t linear anymore You need to create more ownership over your success and image > employers aren’t responsible Your brand will go with you as you grow Used to be: What you know Then it was: Who you knew Now: It’s who knows you
This is not the “Mark Show” You should my story to know I’m not full of…peanuts Contributing: Copy Editor > Copywriter > Creative Manager > AE > Consultant > Sales Seeking new tasks Taking on project management Getting to know the work of each department
This is not the “Mark Show” You should my story to know I’m not full of…peanuts Intelligence: The ability to know yourself, what you want, and what makes a great life! I’m driven by creative problem solving! New ideas > Reading! Helping others problem solve Leading/Speaking Work is secondary to my life!
This is not the “Mark Show” You should my story to know I’m not full of…peanuts Marketing: Online, In House, Industry, & In Person LinkedIn Client Symposium ABA Marketing & Management Conference Twitter: @BankMarketing Blog: Speaking
This is not the “Mark Show” You should my story to know I’m not full of…peanuts Hit the Tipping Point – from push to pull Volunteering to lead a webinar effort at work = ABA Marketing Conference speaking gig LinkedIn profile hit 500 connections LinkedIn lead to BAI finding me for webinar series BAI Retail Speaking Gig with LinkedIn Div Head Blog lead to guest blog for Intuit Guest blog on Intuit about unicorns = JD Power & Associates `
This is not the “Mark Show” You should my story to know I’m not full of…peanuts Attention to others & give, give, give are ongoing! These are an ongoing goals but the tipping point puts me in the position of being a connector. ABA Board Involvement Articles, jobs, networking coffees, speaking, etc. As a connector, you become a resource and a consultant for advice!
How to Mr. Peanutize Yourself! Five steps that will take you a lifetime to master!
Contribute: You’re not entitled to jack Your Journey Contribute: You’re not entitled to jack Task masters vs. creators Doers vs. leaders Serendipity: being alert to potential opportunity and acting on it! “Almost every case of serendipity and opportunity involves someone doing something!” Source:
Intelligence: What drives you? Your Journey Intelligence: What drives you? The strongest brands have a clear mission that runs deep…but it takes time to discover that! Your identity doesn’t get found, it emerges. Don’t have a “plan” because it limits you to today’s options! Seek to understand what you care about!
Intelligence: What drives you? Your Journey Intelligence: What drives you? Social Intelligence is the key to living a qualitative life! It’s also about having authenticity, connectivity, and a personality. You have to know yourself first if you want to be attractive to others. Does this sound like dating advice?
Marketing: Eureka! The mother load! Your Journey Marketing: Eureka! The mother load! This is a marketing group so we’ll spend time here! Every interaction with you is a marketing opportunity: Online and in real life First rule: you must have authenticity at all times
Marketing: Online & in Real Life You need to utilize both and have consistency Online: Larger audience & 24/7 You can share more information without coming off as a big…peanut Endorsements, demonstrated accomplishments You can be upfront because of the noise factor Low entry point: website for less than $100 Learn to write good well!
Marketing: Online & in Real Life You need to utilize both and have consistency In Real Life (in person): Smaller audience More intimate: 1-to-1 More connection and customization Ideal blend: first impression made online with in person follow up.
Marketing: You are the product There are still 4 Ps Product: You Place: it’s not where you work, but where you meet and engage people. Price: your total net value to others. Net Value: your position + positioning + connections + skills + ability to assist others Promotion: getting noticed. Personal examples of effective self marketing?
The Tipping Point: your breakthrough! The Nirvana of Branding The point when you go from mainly push marketing to pull marketing. Perception becomes reality. Most people won’t go this far!
The Tipping Point: your breakthrough! The Nirvana of Branding
Attention & Giving: It’s payback time! Now you owe the karma gods! After the tipping point, the following will occur: People will begin to seek you (good and bad) At this point you are in the role of expert so inquires are for advice or paid opportunities That’s passive so look for ways to be active!
Recap Agenda: C.I.M.A.G. Contributing Intelligence Marketing Hit the Tipping Point Attention to others Give, give, give
Final thoughts & questions Branding isn’t about getting a job, it’s about creating opportunities for you and your network You must provide value before you can market What questions do you have? Let’s connect: