The Electromagnetic Calorimetry of the PANDA Detector at FAIR R.Novotny II.Physics Institute, University Giessen, Germany and for the PANDA collaboration the overall concept the target spectrometer the PWO-II crystals read-out concept performance the forward spectrometer the design concept performance down to low energies summary and outlook July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research Primary beams: SIS100/300 p: 2·1013/s up to 29 GeV U28+: 1012/s up to 2.7 GeV/u U92+: 1010/s up to 35 GeV/u Secondary beams RIBs up to 2 GeV/u Antiprotons up to 15 GeV Storage and cooler rings Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research Darmstadt, Germany Nuclear structure & astrophysics Nuclear matter physics Hadron Plasma Atomic July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
the PANDA detector at FAIR Target Spectrometer 4p detector for spectroscopy and reaction dynamics with antiprotons barrel ~11.000 endcaps ~4.000 crystals PWO-II 200mm (23Xo) photon detection with high resolution over a large dynamic range: 10MeV < Eg < 15GeV high count-rate capability (2∙107 Annihilations/s) nearly 4p coverage sufficient radiation hardness timing information for trigger-less DAQ concept shashlyk-type Sampling Calorimeter July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
the Target Spectrometer: based on high-quality PWO-II July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
quality control and performance July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
optical transmission light yield @RT radiation hardness July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
overall quality: July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
the Target Spectrometer: Barrel 16 slices pointing off-target 11 360 crystals 200mm long (22Xo) 2 x 11 tapered shapes July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
the Target Spectrometer: Forward Endcap comprising 3864 crystals July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
photosensors: Large Area Avalanche Photo Diodes (LAAPD) CMS 5x5mm2 in collaboration with Hamamatsu Photonics CMS 5x5mm2 10x10mm2 new excellent performance at RT and T = –25oC radiation resistent up to 1013 protons in particular at T = -25oC final concept: 2 LAAPDs/crystal, separately readout dimensions 7 x 14 mm2 July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
vacuum photo triodes / tetrodes VPT photosensors: vacuum photo triodes / tetrodes VPT to adapt to higher countrates (>500kHz) in forward direction faster response – better timing options under development RIE St. Petersburg, Russia Tetrode (photo cathode, 2 dynodes, anode) G = 24 – 45 QE = 14 – 20% July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
development of low noise, low power preamplifiers design of descrete components for prototype studies 18mm ASIC (APFEL) large dynamic range 2 channels/ 2 ranges overall range 1 – 10.000 noise level (cooled) << 2 MeV July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
prototype performance optimized light output: PWO-II cooling: operation at T=-25oC prototype performance response to high energy photons 64 MeV < Eg 1.5 GeV g‘s e- tagged photon facility @ MAMI, Mainz extension to energies < 50MeV @ MaxLab readout with photomultiplier Eg=43.3MeV Eg= 26 MeV readout with photomultiplier July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
prototype performance PROTO 60 photon beam crystals in PANDA geometry readout with single LAAPD only quad preamplifier LED based monitoring system temperature stabilization <0.05oC July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
prototype performance PROTO 60 counts incident photon energy / MeV deposited energy / MeV 158 MeV 858 MeV 1.44 GeV s / E / % digitization: shaping /peak-sensing ADC July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
readout via SADC: further improvement energy-resolution ( 3x3 matrix ) time resolution 1 ns July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
prototype performance PROTO 60 15 GeV positrons s/E= 1.4% s(x,y)~1mm July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
consequences of cooling: fast decay kinetics even at T=-25oC LY(100ns)/LY(1µs) > 0.9 constant ratio LY(-25oC)/LY(+18oC) = 3.9 „no“ recovery of radiation damage at T=-25oC asymptotic light loss correlated with Dk (RT) T= -25°C Dk @ RT / m-1 rel. light loss @ 25oC / % July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
recovery of radiation damage @RT @T= -25oC applied integral dose of 60Co: D = 30Gy July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny 19 19
implications for EMC operation July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
1 supermodule = 4 submodules forward EMC Pb S lateral dimensions of one supermodule: (110 x 110) mm² scintillator thickness: 1.5 mm lead absorber thickness: 0.275 mm number of absorber layers: 378 number of WLS fibers: 72 total weight: 22.5 kg eff. radiation – length: X0 = 34.9 mm eff. Molier – radius: ρM = 59.8 mm Shashlyk module: 1 supermodule = 4 submodules - scintillator tiles - readout of fibers with PMTs July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
forward EMC July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
forward EMC test @ A2-MAMI tagged photons July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
forward EMC but! reconstructed amplitude depends on position + time resolution: ~ 100ps/SQRT(E) + position resolution: ~ 1 cm longitudinal nonlinearity July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
forward EMC test @ Protvino electrons July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny
many thanks for your attention …. conclusion and outlook: many thanks for your attention …. final construction will start in 2013 … to be ready in 2017 completion of scintillators major uncertainty July 8, 2012 CALOR 2012 - R.W.Novotny