Welcome to Adv. Java Programming What the Course is About
Course info Instructor: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Cengiz Örencik E-mail: cengizorencik@beykent.edu.tr Course material http://myweb.sabanciuniv.edu/cengizo/courses all the notes / codes will be shared there
Book Not required You may use any programming book on Java Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach, 4th edition by Stuart Reges and Marty Stepp http://www.buildingjavaprograms.com/supplements4.shtml
Grading Midterm 30% Inclass quizes (2) 20% Final 50% Hws Mostly coding Self study Not be graded
Aims to learn The nature of object oriented programming GUI design Class, objects, methods etc. Inheritance, polymorphism …. GUI design Toolbox and control properties Event driven programming Graphics Objects Multi thread programming File processing Database access WEB Networking So let’s see some of the ideas we’re going to learn about in the course and how they appear in practice.
Tentative Outline Objects and Classes Inheritance and Polymorphism Strings and string manipulation Event handling and more GUI Exception handling Files and streams Database access, JDBC Graphics, Swing WEB programming, applets Multithreading Networking
Getting started You will need an integrated development environment (IDE) Download NetBeans – Java SE https://netbeans.org/downloads/ If you already have a running Eclipse you may go on with it, they are more or less the same Also you will need Java Software development Kit (JDK) http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/in dex-jsp-138363.html