Overseas Immersion Programme (India) 5 September to 6 October 2012 (4.5 weeks) Institution: National Institute of Technology, Rourkela Modules: (1) IT elective module (5 credits): IT Outsourcing Management (ITOM) (2) IS module (2 credits): Overseas Immersion Experience: India (OIEI) Cities: Delhi, Bhubaneswar, Rourkela Cost: $2239.90 (before NP subsidy) You can get up to 90% subsidy depending on your family income You can use your PSEA to pay for the Program Suitable for: IT/FI Year 2 & 3 students Taj Mahal Red Fort Enquiries: Mr Anand (dar@np.edu.sg) Tel: 64606850 Mr Rao (rps2@np.edu.sg) Tel: 64606827 Deadline: 18 May 2012